You do not go after and blast someone who has been luckier or who puts in the work more than you. Whether they're a streamer or some other small business owner. Because that's what streamers are. If you think they have it so damn easy as to succeed in their field then YOU GO DO IT.

My niece is barely drinking legal and she has a house. It's small but it's hers. My younger brother hasn't hit 30 yet and he's got a nice little house too. I'm jealous as hell and wondering WTF but damn good for both of them.

You don't harass people who succeeded by the efforts of their own struggle and work. Silver spoon rich? Yeah, have at it. Kardashians? Yes, please. Regular people who actually make it past the poverty line. GTFOH!

#streamers #influenceurs #dontbeadick #dontkickdown

Last updated 2 years ago