You make me feel, mighty real.....
#GenX #YouAllSangThatDidntYou #DontLie #YouDid #YouSoDid #YouEvenTappedYourFoot #AndShookYourHeadFromSideToSide #IRestCase
#genx #youallsangthatdidntyou #dontlie #youdid #yousodid #youeventappedyourfoot #andshookyourheadfromsidetoside #irestcase
Don't lie. That's it.
#chenelno1 #dontlie #truthalwayscomesout #quoteoftheday2023 #tellthetruth
#chenelno1 #dontlie #truthalwayscomesout #quoteoftheday2023 #tellthetruth
"When I really see you and what you all are about?"
#gerson #music #singer #man #sweden #stockholm #sexy #fitness #style #malebody #photoshoot #trunks #instaman #riodejaneiro #swimwear #blackman #blackeyedpeas #dontlie
#gerson #music #singer #man #sweden #stockholm #sexy #fitness #style #malebody #photoshoot #trunks #instaman #riodejaneiro #swimwear #blackman #blackeyedpeas #dontlie
@CaptAntagonist ....ra-ra ah-ah-ah-ah, ro-ma ro-ma-ah, ga-ga ooh la-laa, want your bad romance......
#YouSangThatDidntYou #YouTappedYourFootAsWell #YouShookYouHeadToTheBeat #AndSilentlyLipSynced #YouWentBackToSingItWithMoreGusto #ThenKeptSinging #DontLie
#yousangthatdidntyou #youtappedyourfootaswell #youshookyouheadtothebeat #andsilentlylipsynced #youwentbacktosingitwithmoregusto #thenkeptsinging #dontlie
I really enjoy following people who have different opinions of me, but I very quickly lose interest when I discover that someone is boosting/posting things that just aren’t true. I mean, it happens sometimes, but if you can’t be bothered to do the minimum amount of checking or even pretend to objectively evaluate something, then the utility really decreases for people outside the echo chamber. #agreetodisagree #dontlie #befair
#agreetodisagree #dontlie #befair
#resolution to 'waste' more time doing things I didn't plan, and less time worrying about resolutions.
Sat in a room in Dundee beside the river Tay, playing Groove Armada/At The River
Finishing the v1 compiler, to compile the text editor, to edit the source of the v2 compiler. All for no reason, except that it seemed like a good idea 😃
Happy new year, haud hogmanay, or your own celebration.
(resolutions from 1990-something:-
#BeKind #DontLie I'm still working on...)