#FBI says former agent arrested over #Jan6 called officers #Nazis
I was watching that day. There *were* some heroic #police, yes. But the way our accepted narrative ignores how many of the Capitol cops stood aside & abetted the #Insurrection isn't helping us one bit.
Many #LEOs at every level, in every department, in every state city & county, support #Fascism. And they have guns. And they kill #Black folks
#dontlookaway #truth #black #Fascism #leos #insurrection #Police #nazis #Jan6 #FBI
Tunisian cemeteries fill up as hundreds of dead #refugees wash up on coast
#DontLookAway https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/30/tunisian-cemeteries-fill-up-as-hundreds-of-dead-refugees-wash-up-on-coast
Tennessee Legislature just expelled a Democrat from the Legislature creating a pathway for a high dollar lawsuit, racial discrimination, and annihilating the Voice and Vote of the People. #DontLookAway #GOPRacism #Fascism
#dontlookaway #gopracism #fascism
THIS is last year's Christmas card from Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles, a Republican who represents the district that Covenant School is in in Nashville.
A female shooter killed three children and three adults at a private Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, this morning, before police shot her dead.
IT IS TIME TO HOLD EVERY DAMN ELECTED OFFICIAL WHO DOES THIS ACCOUNTABLE! I’m sure he will offer up “thoughts & prayers” 🤬🤬🤬
Tonight I listened in to @shannonrwatts celebrate #10YearsofMoms Even in a state like #Montana @momsdemand volunteers have been doing this work for the long haul. Text Ready to 64433 to join over 10 million of us now. #MomsAreEverywhere #ExpectUs #DontLookAway
#dontlookaway #expectus #MomsAreEverywhere #montana #10yearsofmoms
RT @EUvsDisinfo@twitter.com
#DontLookAway #StandWithUkraine
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EUvsDisinfo/status/1606249068539219968
#dontlookaway #StandWithUkraine
RT @StopFakingNews
Silent night, holy night 🌃
All is calm, all is bright... 🌟
More than 300 days of Russia's brutal war of aggression against Ukraine. #DontLookAway #StandWithUkraine
#dontlookaway #StandWithUkraine
RT @EUvsDisinfo@twitter.com
#DontLookAway #StandWithUkraine
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EUvsDisinfo/status/1606249068539219968
#StandWithUkraine #dontlookaway
Don't look away!
Mit unserer täglichen Arbeit in Griechenland und auf dem Balkan versuchen wir Menschen in Not medizinische Grundversorgung zu bieten. Wir schauen auf die Orte an Europas Grenzen, an denen Menschenrechte missachtet werden und helfen dort, wo Menschen alleine gelassen werden. Denn Gesundheit ist ein Menschenrecht. Schau mit uns hin statt weg. Deine Spende hilft!
Lerne uns besser kennen und schaue unseren kurzen Film:
Don't look away!
Mit unserer täglichen Arbeit in Griechenland und auf dem Balkan versuchen wir Menschen in Not medizinische Grundversorgung zu bieten. Wir schauen auf die Orte an Europas Grenzen, an denen Menschenrechte missachtet werden und helfen dort, wo Menschen alleine gelassen werden. Denn Gesundheit ist ein Menschenrecht. Schau mit uns hin statt weg. Deine Spende hilft!
#dontlookaway #healthcareisahumanright
Last week our local #MomsDemandAction group led a remembrance of Sandy Hook. Today is the 10 year Anniversary of that tragic day. Each family has a unique way they would like their loved on honored. You can find that here: https://mysandyhookfamily.org/ It is incumbent upon us all to honor them and so many others with action. #Enough #DontLookAway #ExpectUs #NotOneMore
#notonemore #expectus #dontlookaway #enough #momsdemandaction
If you're in the #PortlandOR area of the U.S. (or beyond) here's an opportunity to help out our unhoused neighbors.👍🍽💜
#dontlookaway #affordablehousing #housingforeveryone #homelessnesscrisis #portlandor
As every year, on different plattforms, I try to repost this Berlin #emergency numbers against the cold. So if you see someone in this cold nights #outside, please do not look away. Ask them if they need help and call those numbers.
#kältebus #wärmebus #kältehilfetelefon #homelessness #dontlookaway #berlin
#karunasub #obdachlos
#emergency #outside #kaltebus #warmebus #kaltehilfetelefon #homelessness #dontlookaway #berlin #karunasub #obdachlos
RT @JakeinCarmel@twitter.com
It doesn’t have to be this way. Vote for @MomsDemand@twitter.com candidates so we can begin to change this terrible gun culture. #HooserTwitter #DontLookAway #GunReformNow
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JakeinCarmel/status/1595411969309294594
#gunreformnow #dontlookaway #hoosertwitter
It’s a good time to point out the following & remind folks that U.S. intervention continues to happen around the globe.
Many migrants are here because of direct/indirect U.S. tyranny in their countries. #DontLookAway https://twitter.com/bbcbreaking/status/1288822513112317954
RT @shaunking@twitter.com
I've said it before and I'll say it again. @BernieSanders@twitter.com is the candidate for all of us, including the immigrant community. @RAICESACTION@twitter.com has given Bernie the highest score in their Scorecard today. #DontLookAway #NotMeUs https://twitter.com/RAICESACTION/status/1235002750892564480
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/shaunking/status/1235008719064203266
RT @Lights4Liberty@twitter.com
Please welcome Immigration Defense Project @ImmDefense@twitter.com to our rapidly growing list of sponsors for Lights for Liberty: A Nationwide Vigil to End Human Detention Camps.
We are proud to partner with you.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Lights4Liberty/status/1143299544496533510
#endusconcentrationcamps #dontlookaway #lights4liberty