COVID Infects Penis, Testicles and Prostate – Causes Pain, Erectile Dysfunction, Reduced Sperm Count
Testicular pain, erectile dysfunction, reduced sperm count and quality, decreased fertility are direct consequence of infection
#NewtonMA’s version of #DontLookUp is #DontLookDown
#newtonma #dontlookup #dontlookdown
Die durch die #Klimakrise angetriebene Eisschmelze der Antarktis verlangsamt die Strömung von kaltem, salzhaltigem Wasser in bis zu 4000m Tiefe, was die tiefste der ozeanischen Strömungen verlangsamt. Damit kommt weniger des nährstoff- und sauerstoffreichen Wassers in die Ozeane, was wiederum zum Verhundern von Teilen der Meereslebewesen führen würde.
“Our modelling shows that if global carbon emissions continue at the current rate, then the Antarctic overturning will slow by more than 40 per cent in the next 30 years – and on a trajectory that looks headed towards collapse."
#KlimaKrise #DontLookUp #dontlookdown
Make Art Not War. Handcarved rubber stamps:
#contemporarypainting #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #displacement #refugees #refugeeswelcome #humanrights #equalrights #asylum #shelter #frontex #pushbacks #emblematy #watchme #innerself #transparency #monkeythinking #monkeywithheadphones #monkey #chimpanzee #dontlookdown
#contemporarypainting #handcarvedstamp #makeartnotwar #savebiodiversity #lastgeneration #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #displacement #refugees #refugeeswelcome #humanrights #equalrights #asylum #shelter #Frontex #pushbacks #emblematy #watchme #innerself #transparency #monkeythinking #monkeywithheadphones #monkey #chimpanzee #dontlookdown
Nachttrein Groningen-Schiphol van start
Goed nieuws. Begin van ontsluiting rest van Nederland? #zeestijging #klimaat #dontlookdown
#zeestijging #klimaat #dontlookdown
Après avoir lu, vous ne pourrez plus dire que vous ne saviez pas. #Dontlookdown