I only had to tap the sign once but I wow, did it feel good when I did.
If you don’t have a sign in your workplace I seriously recommend getting one. It’s great!
I've begun work on Spark-E-fying a meme.
It's in pieces because the end result will be rudimentarily animated.
#furryart #furry #furrifiedmemes #furrymeme #dontmakemetapthesign
#furryart #furry #furrifiedmemes #furrymeme #dontmakemetapthesign
Damn straight. Reified social constructs cause a lot of problems.
#ttrpg #dnd #dontmakemetapthesign #bioessentialism
Slightly tired of stating the obvious time and again, so here it is in a single convenient post.
#fascism #dontmakemetapthesign #AlwaysHasBeen