the laws being enacted in Florida are just projections of Ron DeSantis' insecurities
why else would you enact a "Don't Say Period" law other than to show the world you're a wimpy, bitchy, shortdicked misogynistic cunt who cant handle women talking about their own bodies?
#rondesantis #rondeathsantis #dontsayperiod
Getting the mail, a lady gets off of her car shouting to her phone about DeSantis’ latest shtick. The #DontSayPeriod bill bc “WITCHCRAFT.”
The HB 1069, aka the “Don’t Say Period” bill, went into effect on July 1st, and also outlaws teaching the menstrual cycle in public K-12 schooling before sixth grade. Our kids are but political pawns in the GOP's twisted agenda. But when it comes to protecting them from guns? The NRA is boss.
#VoteThemOut #fuckdesantis #fuckrondesantis #dontsayperiod
#DontSayPeriod, pausu bat aurrera, hamaika atzera!!
A little something I wrote about an old nostalgic fave.
#JudyBlume #AreYouThereGodItsMeMargaret
#judyblume #areyoutheregoditsmemargaret #dontsayperiod #yafiction