"Dress Up Show Off"
The thought process behind this came from me imagining Wilba dressing Wurt up in all sorts of frilly outfits and Wurt begrudgingly going along with it.
And then it devolves into ass-smackery because I can't let this ship die I guess.
Nanachi just fishing while Wendy drops by ^-^
#animegirl #dontstarve #madeinabyss #nanachi #anime
"Fresh Monster Meat"
The DST/Cotl crossover ended up being smaller than I was hoping for. Was hoping for a boss or something, but oh well.
In turn, here's a bite-sized crossover picture. (bite sized in terms of time it took to make, it's comparable in dimension size to my other pictures)
Necrodancer スピンオフ #RiftoftheNecroDancer のパブリッシングが、開発元の Brace Yourself Games から #DontStarve などで知られる Klei スタジオに引き継がれることになりました。(ちなみに両者ともバンクーバーのスタジオ)
#dontstarve #riftofthenecrodancer
"Surf her Turf"
This is practically a reflex at this point. Others breathe. I draw Wurt and Wilba fucking.
Anyways, DST is giving all characters insight trees and that's making me excited. I've even started concepting ideas, though they act more like wishlists or second reworks for characters that I think would be cool.
So I have started playing Don't Starve, and I can honestly say that I haven't been doing that at all. 24 days so far.
#dontstarve #failingtonotstarve #gaming #linuxgaming #linux
#DontStarve #wendy
doing that color wheel thinggie, first up is yellow with Wendy!
3) Br0dy death #1 from that stream.
#EthosLab #Br0dyman #Fedislab #DontStarve
#ethoslab #br0dyman #fedislab #dontstarve
2) Etho refuses to admit that he has a nice voice.
#EthosLab #Fedislab #Br0dyman #DontStarve
#ethoslab #fedislab #br0dyman #dontstarve
My favorite Shotas uwu.
#Razputin_aquato #Luke_Triton #Walter_dst
#professorlayton #psychonauts #dst #dontstarve #dontstarvetogether
#razputin_aquato #luke_triton #walter_dst #professorlayton #psychonauts #dst #dontstarve #dontstarvetogether
Been playing too much of the porn mod
Don't Starve святкує ювілей! Святкує знижками і не тільки!
Про історію завдовжки в десятиліття і що вона означала для нашого найзаповзятішого шанувальника гри — у матеріалі Тортика Олега.
#відеоігри #dontstarve #ігровимір
#відеоігри #dontstarve #ігровимір
I am the only one that ships these two but I don't care! one time years and years ago I was playing as Wolfgang on a public server and partnered up with a Winona player and we synergized so well together... their dialogue for each other is really cute too... I will never forget you, random Winona player, we really kicked ass together
#dontstarve #wolfgang #winona #wipril2023
sketch I made for an old acquaintance who really liked this particular ship. who can blame em!
#dontstarve #wigfrid #wes #wolfgang #threesome #wipril2023
Willowfrid for a tumblr request! These two are a great ship. There's really not enough Don't Starve femslash.
(There's not enough femslash in general, but I shall endeavor to remedy that soon enough.)
#dontstarve #willow #wigfrid #yuri #strapon