Yeah, so this happened to me today. #DontTextAndDrive #DontDrinkAndDrive
#DontDrinkAndDrive #donttextanddrive
I saw three separate near misses today, all of them caused by people caning it obliviously through red lights at about twice the speed limit while on their phone. I was driving for about an hour, in total. #seattle #CalmDown #donttextanddrive it isn’t worth it, you look stupid and you might kill someone. Or yourself. I’m no Angel but I do my speeding on the freeway where everyone ought to be paying attention and expecting it. I never drive distracted because I’ve lost friends to impaired drivers
#donttextanddrive #calmdown #seattle
Stream announcement time
Ah, today I'm a tad bit late with the stream announcement because I was driving and #DontTextAndDrive, but here we go!
Today at 18.00h UTC (in about 2.5 hours), we'll be returning to the Unhappy Valley in Terraria to continue our conquest about the innocent monsters and bosses. I guess we will continue setting up the FOB in the Crimson, and maybe tackle the fight against the Brain of Cthulhu? :blobcatOwo:
The stream will be available on as per usual.
Der Filmfilm zum Sonnabend: keine SMS am Steuer. #DontTextAndDrive
A Compilation Of People Running Into Things/Falling/Crashing While Texting #somepeoplejustwerentmadeformulti-tasking #publicserviceannoucement #smartphonesdumbpeople #crashingintothings #donttextanddrive #hurtingyourself #compilation #safetyfirst #safetylast #accidents #falling #texting #walking #woopsie #video #ouch #psa
#somepeoplejustwerentmadeformulti #publicserviceannoucement #smartphonesdumbpeople #crashingintothings #donttextanddrive #hurtingyourself #compilation #safetyfirst #safetylast #accidents #falling #texting #walking #woopsie #video #ouch #psa