„Symbol für Intoleranz und Haß“Wieso ein Aufnäher des 12 Jahre alten Jaiden gerade die USA bewegt https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/ausland/2023/jaiden-gadsden-flagge/ #Gadsden-Flagge #DontTreadonMe #wokeIdeologie #Kulturkampf #Ausland #USA
#usa #ausland #kulturkampf #wokeideologie #donttreadonme #gadsden
Hmm. I guess the #GasdenFlag and #DontTreadOnMe is only valid for those from a conservative viewpoint, for others - you get tread on a lot. #Freedom and #Liberty for me but not for thee. That should be their #Flag.
#flag #liberty #Freedom #donttreadonme #gasdenflag
RT @Heather_z860
@AirDhatu @DerekPederson3 Fucking Tyrants Forcing Us To See Different Shades Of Band-Aid At The Pharmacy!!!!!!
#MadAsHell #StopWokeness #WokeTyranny #WokeMindVirus #SmashTheWokes #DemandFreedom #DontTreadOnMe
#madashell #StopWokeness #WokeTyranny #wokemindvirus #SmashTheWokes #demandfreedom #donttreadonme
Leaning on Arkansas, in Missouri, towards rural Maine. .
#country #backwoods #redneck #AlanJackson #AlanWatts #ShaniaTwain #MarkTwain #boots #bluecollar #JeffFoxworthy #woods #trucks #guns #freedom #OwnLibs #woke #donttreadonme #dontsteponsnek #skoal #budlight #butnotgay #butkindofgay #butthurt https://instagr.am/p/Cq5Z6JRLPA7/
#butthurt #butkindofgay #butnotgay #budlight #skoal #dontsteponsnek #donttreadonme #woke #ownlibs #freedom #guns #trucks #woods #jefffoxworthy #bluecollar #boots #marktwain #shaniaTwain #alanwatts #alanjackson #redneck #backwoods #country
RT @jaysbookman
I have no problem with Matthew Kacsmaryk living his deeply held religious faith. I even admire him for doing so.
However, he does not get to impose that faith on the rest of us. That's not how this works.
#DontTreadOnMe https://twitter.com/JessicaValenti/status/1644853164816887810
Saw this on Reddit and loved it, so I had to share it over here.
Sadly I can't credit the creator, reverse image search took me to the birdsite but I can't view anything without being logged in, and I don't have an account.
It seems to be based on a redrawing of someone else's idea, several layers deep, and I can't track the provenance. If someone knows, please comment.
#vexillology #trans #TransRights #Queer #GadsdenFlag #DontTreadOnMe #DontStepOnSnek
#vexillology #trans #transrights #queer #gadsdenflag #donttreadonme #dontsteponsnek #lgtbqia
The state of Utah believes it’s better equipped to raise your children than you are. #Politics #donttreadonme https://www.axios.com/2023/03/24/utah-limit-kids-social-media
Joe Biden: Taxation is Theft! (SOTU Satire)
I rearranged a few of Joe Biden’s words from his State of the Union speech. Wanted to hear him say something true for once!
#comedy #satire #meme #taxationistheft #EndtheFed #RonPaul #libertarian #freedom #liberty #capitalism #libertarianism #ancap #donttreadonme #politics #libertarianmemes #voluntaryism #anarchocapitalism #taxes #tax #taxseason #inflation #incometax #Bidenflation #money #taxation #SOTU #joebiden #stateoftheunion #USA #America
#comedy #satire #meme #taxationistheft #endthefed #ronpaul #libertarian #freedom #liberty #capitalism #libertarianism #ancap #donttreadonme #politics #libertarianmemes #voluntaryism #anarchocapitalism #taxes #tax #taxseason #inflation #incometax #Bidenflation #money #taxation #sotu #joebiden #stateoftheunion #usa #america
RT @Heather_Toast
Fucking Tyrants Forcing Us To See Different Shades Of Band-Aid At The Pharmacy!!!!!!
#MadAsHell #StopWokeness #WokeTyranny #WokeMindVirus #SmashTheWokes #DemandFreedom #DontTreadOnMe
#madashell #StopWokeness #WokeTyranny #wokemindvirus #SmashTheWokes #demandfreedom #donttreadonme
Fucking Tyrants Forcing Us To See Different Shades Of Band-Aid At The Pharmacy!!!!!!
#MadAsHell #StopWokeness #WokeTyranny #WokeMindVirus #SmashTheWokes #DemandFreedom #DontTreadOnMe
#StopWokeness #donttreadonme #madashell #WokeTyranny #wokemindvirus #SmashTheWokes #demandfreedom
okay so I go to Caribou this morning to get a bubbly caffeinated beverage and do some chillaxing... now a bunch of white guys are sitting at the big table next to my queer self with their extremely large copies of the King James Bible... they're getting settled...
is it inappropriate to sneeze in their general direction and say "Dammit the Devil let that one go too quick"
#morningcoffeeisweird #donttreadonme
I have always thought this uppity little #fascist badge is the perfect #psychological profiler: assuming, at the outset, that someone ("they" the "other") is going to give so much as a flying fuck about some bearded, truck cap'd high-school drop-out in his 2mpg truck and his laughable interpretation of #TheConstituion and FWEEEEEEEEEEE-DUMB!
#fascist #psychological #theconstituion #donttreadonme
I have spent *too much* time these past few weeks battling pop-up sites scraping AirlineReporter content. But it’s worth it when you get replies like this. Took out the whole darned site! 🎳
#dmca #dmcatakedown #trademarkenforcement #donttreadonme
RT @BitcoinCartoons
Monday's #bitcoin cartoon: #101 Don't Tread on ₿.
Today's toon was inspired by today's "What is Money?" show b/w @breedlove22 and @LawrenceLepard on life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happyness😉.
America(ns) Will Adopt #Btc. #bitcoinart #liberty #DontTreadOnMe
#donttreadonme #liberty #bitcoinart #btc #bitcoin
RT @sharpe_way@twitter.com
Fear leads to reduction of our rights and destruction of our nation.
#sharpeway #larrysharpe #liberty #freedom #libertarian #fear #rights #democrats #republican #liberal #conservative #DontTreadOnMe
#sharpeway #larrysharpe #liberty #freedom #libertarian #fear #rights #democrats #republican #liberal #conservative #donttreadonme