I searched for the hashtag #streetluge and there was NOTHING! So I’m fixing that. My Blecha Boards street luge with Don’t Trip Mollys, custom Don’t Trip Delerium tail, and Orangatang Kegels.
#donttrip #orangatang #downhill #blechaboards #longboard #gravityracing #gofast
#streetluge #donttrip #orangatang #downhill #blechaboards #longboard #gravityracing #gofast
I got my first #NFCImplant in 2016 on someone’s dining room table. Here’s a video of it triggering a program on my phone. I use it every day!
#transhumanism #biohacking #biohacker #cyborg #protocyborg #implants #implantee #cyberpunk #cyberpunkisnow #dangerousthings #microchipped #futurist #technoprogressive #USTP #NYTP #donttrip
#nfcimplant #transhumanism #biohacking #biohacker #cyborg #protocyborg #implants #implantee #cyberpunk #cyberpunkisnow #dangerousthings #microchipped #futurist #technoprogressive #ustp #nytp #donttrip