Cuantas horas me habré pasado jugando a esto y todavía le hecho algún rato de vez en cuando
#Gaming #Apple #DoodleJump
Come in number fifty-one, your time is up to 21.006 in #DoodleJump!!! Beat that!
2009-12-29T23:08:12+00:00: I just got up to 25.080 in #DoodleJump!!! Beat that!
2009-12-24T23:50:15+00:00: I just got up to 16.379 in #DoodleJump!!! Beat that!
^^ (2/2) ....and a few more franchise tags for #Games that are featured:
#Aladdin #AlexKidd #AlienHominid #Astal #BitTrip #Blinx #Bloodstained #Bonk #Braid #Broforce #BubbleBobble #Bubsy #Castlevania #CaveStory #Celeste #ClockworkKnight #CloudberryKingdom #CrashBandicoot #Cuphead #DecapAttack #Dizzy #DoodleJump #JakAndDaxter #JamesPond #JumpingFlash #MegaMan #MightyNo9 #MirrorsEdge #NeverAlone #RatchetAndClank #Rayman #Soundshapes #Spelunky #SuperMeatBoy #TheCave #TwoPointHospital #Unravel
#unravel #twopointhospital #thecave #supermeatboy #spelunky #soundshapes #rayman #ratchetandclank #neveralone #MirrorsEdge #mightyno9 #megaman #jumpingflash #jamespond #jakanddaxter #doodlejump #dizzy #decapattack #cuphead #crashbandicoot #cloudberrykingdom #clockworkknight #celeste #CaveStory #castlevania #bubsy #bubblebobble #broforce #braid #bonk #bloodstained #blinx #bittrip #astal #alienhominid #alexkidd #aladdin #Games