Kotaku: Turok 3 and Star Wars: Dark Forces Are Getting Remastered https://kotaku.com/turok-3-star-wars-dark-forces-remaster-nightdive-1850766001 #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #firstpersonshooters #starwarsdarkforces #technologyinternet #starwarsvideogames #videogamesequels #nightdivestudios #windowsgames #systemshock #darkforces #powerslave #linuxgames #nintendo #doom64 #turok
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #firstpersonshooters #starwarsdarkforces #technologyinternet #starwarsvideogames #videogamesequels #nightdivestudios #windowsgames #systemshock #darkforces #powerslave #linuxgames #nintendo #doom64 #turok
Picked up Doom 64 and Quake remasters on the Nintendo Switch and enjoying them quite a bit. These classics truly stood the test of time!
...but what I _really_ want to see is the #Heretic / #Hexen series get the same treatment. Fingers crossed! (Or tips how to best play them these days.)
#heretic #hexen #doom #doom64 #quake #nintendoswitch
Me: I'm just gonna chill and play some DOOM 64
*10 minutes later*
Me: Ugh, I don't feel so great... Oh fuck me, and I really getting motion sick playing this?!?
I forgot mention that the sound effects have been re-done as well. This game is a precursor to the excellent #DOOM64 on the #Nintendo64, which has official ports to modern systems, but is also worth playing on original hardware.
Pssst... You like free games don't ya? Come hang out with me at 9pm EST, follow me type !raffle in the chat to enter! Must be present in chat to win!
Tonight I'm giving away 5 steam codes for Doom 64!
#giveaway #steam #doom #doom64
The Steam Deck has been DIASTEROUS for my wallet!
#Steam #Gaming #PCGaming #SteamDeck #Bigfoot #Jackbox #JackboxTV #Everhood #Doom #Doom64 #FuryUnleashed #IndieGaming #Fnaf #popgoes
#steam #gaming #pcgaming #SteamDeck #bigfoot #jackbox #jackboxtv #everhood #doom #doom64 #furyunleashed #indiegaming #fnaf #popgoes
I was reading through the 2022 #Cacowards earlier and discovered #Doom CE: a port of the #PSX & #N64 games written in ZScript and running on #GZDoom which should allow compatibility with other mods.
I gave them a spin earlier today and yeah, they're quite good! I'll definitely want to try them with mods on stream eventually!
#DoomII #Doom64 #FinalDoom #ReverseEngineering #BoomerShooter #Retrogames
#retrogames #boomershooter #reverseengineering #finaldoom #doom64 #doomii #gzdoom #n64 #psx #doom #cacowards
The #N64 never released in South Africa when I still lived there so I missed out on that generation at the time.
Despite that I found one second hand in SA a few years later with Mario 64, GoldenEye, etc...so I made up for lost time.
But it's only now that I'm playing #DOOM64 for the first time. I kinda like it. Nothing comes close to original PC DOOM but there's a charm to this one especially as it isn't just a port but trying to be something new.
Second fastest time in the world (still!) from last year. I need to get back into running again. I'll start practicing tonight :doom64:
#speedrun #doom #doom64 #linuxgaming #linux
Da ich keine Lust auf 3rd-Party Launcher habe, skippen wir Star Wars Squadrons und starten en Tag damit,
#DOOM64 aus dem Swptember nachzuholen. Schöön Fratzengeballer und Dämonen wegspratzen.
Wie jeden Freitag ab 6 Uhr live beim #FrühstücksZock @
http://twitch.tv/InsertMoin ✌☕🥐🎮
Quakecon sees Wolfenstein 3D, Quake 4 and more Bethesda classics come to Game Pass - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/quakecon-sees-wolfenstein-3d-quake-4-and-more-bethesda-classics-come-to-game-pass #TheElderScrollsII:Daggerfall #ReturnToCastleWolfenstein #BethesdaSoftworks #Wolfenstein3D #QuakeCon2022 #FPS/Shooter #idSoftware #Microsoft #GamePass #QuakeCon #Doom64 #Quake4 #RPG
#TheElderScrollsII #ReturnToCastleWolfenstein #bethesdasoftworks #wolfenstein3d #QuakeCon2022 #fps #idsoftware #microsoft #gamepass #quakecon #doom64 #Quake4 #rpg
Doom 64 is currently free on Epic Games Store: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/doom-64 #linux #linuxgaming #doom64 #free #egs
#linux #linuxgaming #doom64 #free #egs
Affronta una versione migliorata del gioco originale pubblicato su Nintendo 64 nel 1997. Sono trascorsi anni da quando hai fermato l'invasione dei demoni sulla Terra. Posto in quarantena per la sicurezza dell'umanità, il complesso di ricerca della UAC su Marte è stato abbandonato e dimenticato... fino ad ora.
Gratuito su EPICGAMES
#doom64 #topgamesitalia #videogiochi #gratis
#Doom64 arriba hui a @GoogleStadiaES. Els que tingueu la plataforma podreu jugar a un dels millors #Doom, i el tindreu debades ja si us vau comprar #DoomEternal.
#videojocs #Stadia #GoogleStadia
#doom64 #doom #doometernal #videojocs #stadia #googlestadia