@BigEatie I used to use "literate programming" but then I realized that literate programming is just supper comments, and a real code smell.
I like the way that #DoomEmacs does the configs, but I don't like that I would have to run it outside of emacs.
Been looking at #doomEmacs lately. I like the way the config is set up, the code seems clean and sensible. Also looks like they have lots of sane defaults. What I don't like is that it is evil by default, and that you need to leave #emacs for updating the config. Any vanila emacs users out there that have tried doom? Or anything similar.
Anyone else having issues with #doomEmacs? I did a `doom upgrade` and now I can't get it to open. Did a sync, rebuild and reboot everything, but still get a blank screen when I try to open #emacs.
If you upgraded #DoomEmacs to the latest version and found the icons are missing in mode-line, just install Nerd Fonts, see https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/pull/7364 for details.
It's taken over a day, but I'm finally back to square 1 with Doom Emacs! Now to see if it was my config messing up #orgRoam.
Just upgraded Emacs to 29.1 through https://github.com/railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport/releases/tag/emacs-29.1-mac-10.0, played sqlite-mode and it’s cool.
A tip for #DoomEmacs users that have the “literate” module enabled: if there is an error complaining #OrgMode version mismatch, it can be solved easily by running `doom build` before `doom sync`.
Today's goal is to do some work on using #doomEmacs and trying to wrap my head around it. Might even try #orgMode for the first time!
All in-between tickets and calls, or course 😬
I need to have #emacs on VMs I create at work. Right now I copy over a mini .emacs 200 lines long instead of my large personal config. Maybe I should consider #doom #doomemacs. Hmm, #chocolatey has #spacemacs, maybe I'll try that. We'd all like to spend less time configuring emacs, tempting as it is.
#emacs #doom #doomemacs #chocolatey #spacemacs
@sqrtminusone @thelegendlinux And I think it's a good thing #doomemacs works so well without any work. I wouldn't have become an #emacs user without the preconfigured #evilmode setup in #spacemacs. I would have fixed my dll-hell broken vim installation instead. Maybe I'll create my own config from scratch in time, but I really like that someone had given me sensible defaults and chosen nice packages to get me started.
#doomemacs #emacs #evilmode #spacemacs
Alright, it's that time of the year again. My #doomemacs is broken and can't be updated. Okay, also I'm too lazy to do any debugging, so I just reinstall. And it's basically like nothing happened. Just takes a few minutes and I'm back up and running again.
@sqrtminusone @thelegendlinux Maybe, but is it necessary? Have 7k lines of configuration on top of #doomemacs, and have a couple of personal packages. Feel like I get a lot out of #emacs without having configured it from scratch.
Чистый #emacs установил. Пытаюсь установить и настроить #doomemacs уже несколько часов, отвлекаясь на все подряд.
Короче, сложно для меня эта штука идет.
Managed to turn evil mode off in my Room Emacs config, but found that it would often "turn itself back on". Possible bug, or a feature to turn more people over to Evil mode.
So I've decided I'll give it a proper go and try the evil-tutor package and give it a fair shot.
Spent the weekend reviewing articles and videos from @daviwil and decided I'm going to try Doom Emacs. Got the basic set up working before end of work, tomorrow I'll have a proper go. Just one thing... How do I turn off evil key bindings?
When is the right time to declare #emacs bankruptcy?
It's eight years old
.. and has pivoted from #spacemacs to #doomemacs.
.. and "supports" Manjaro, Manjaro with Guix, Guix System, Windows, WSL, WSL
with Guix System
.. and many different hardware configurations
.. and six different "contexts" (e.g. clients)
.. and many different forms of note-taking, zettlekasten, gtd etc.
Just spent a day wrestling the notes into submission, and not looking forward to taming my ~7000 line configuration.
試著用 Chemacs 2 來切換 doom-emacs
doom 的主要設定完全不一樣,搞清楚要先用 `doom install` 之後再開始啟動才會比較正常
先試著把 evil everywhere 關掉,但是常用的熱鍵和移動遊標的方式完全…不一樣
不過自己私有的 emacs 設定檔是可以直接跟 doom 設定檔共存的
先把東西指好了,並且在兩台電腦上設定這些…就過了二個小時… 😩
目前還是先切換自己本來用的 Emacs 設定檔 有時間再來處理
I’m gradually put #EmacsFromScratch into daily use. The first step is to switch task planning and note taking from #DoomEmacs to #VanillaEmacs.
The word “gradually” means that I keep running two Emacs instances in parallel: one is #DoomEmacs for daily dev work, the other is the the #VanillaEmacs for the evolving configuration, started with`emacs -q -l init.el`. The benefit is not slowing down my work by the switch.
FYI, this is my configuration with comments: https://github.com/goofansu/rune/blob/main/init.el
#emacsfromscratch #doomemacs #vanillaemacs
For new #Emacs beginners, the learning path maybe different depends on your purpose.
If you are going to do tasks with a powerful tool, start with a configuration framework such as #DoomEmacs. It’s easy to get started and dive in. You can finish your tasks and learn in the same time.
If you want to learn from the basics, “Emacs From Scratch” by @daviwil is highly recommended: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEoMzSkcN8oPH1au7H6B7bBJ4ZO7BXjSZ. Being a long time #DoomEmacs user, I just started and scratched the face of what’s going on.