I'm totally a doomer.
I think consumer culture is doomed, and it's a good thing.
I think all of our unsustainable proctises are doomed, and the sooner the better.
...sadly, I also think many people are doomed because they not only can't live sustainably but they will always choose not to. They are also doomed.
lol, I also might be doomed
i remember consuming a bunch of #Doomer #ClimateChange content in like 2018, so much that it shuck me.
Now its seems like their predictions were all spot on, very abrupt change. Horrifying. I'm praying we don't have a global famine in the next year or two.
Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that fracking was invented decades after we knew definitively that fossil fuels were causing climate change?
We didn't just keep doing what we'd been doing. We invented whole new ways to even more aggressively destroy the environment.
We are a truly suicidal species.
#ClimateChange #collapse #EndTimes #doomer
#climatechange #collapse #endtimes #doomer
@kami_kadse @ennopark @AufstandLastGen Ja, klingt nach nem #rassistisch|en #Doomer...
This is an interesting doomster (which keeps getting autocorrected to doomsayer) response to Rebecca Solnit’s critique (and her persistent calls for hope).
#climateEmergency #collapse #hope #doomer
#climateemergency #collapse #hope #doomer
I'm just in this space now where every new technology, innovation, and scientific development is no longer met with fascination, but defensive concern - the first question I ask for every new thing now is "Great, how is this going to be used to make everything worse?"
#doomer #innovation #technology #science
I’m about as much of a #Covid #doomer as you’ll find here, but try to keep myself balanced when something doesn’t follow my pessimistic expectations. And so far, that’s what the #SARS2 mini-surge here in #Eastern #Washington is doing.
As a couple of old guys I used to know liked to say, “Better’n a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.”
Surge or no surge, my #N95 apparently kept me from getting whatever that cashier had that was making her cough loudly and often 20 feet away Monday.
#covid #doomer #SARS2 #eastern #Washington #n95
I guess people online would call me a #doomer and apparently the biggest obstacle to #ClimateAction because it’s become increasingly clear that global action will not come in time to save my home in #Miami while the actual market forces push myself and other Miami-born people out because we can’t keep up with rich external buyers.
I loved it when the psychotherapist that they interviewed said:
"We need to feel anxiety, depression, despair, rage, doom.
We need to feel doom.
That hopelessness.
That helplessness.
You just don't want to be stuck there.
So I also then remember creativity, joy, connection, empathy, resilience, anger.
You can carry that pain in your heart."
#collapse #doomer #climatechange
Some concept doodles of Dr. Vortex (Funnel's evil AU counterpart) that I threw together last year.
#FurryArt #DigitalArt #Evil #Villain #Porcupine #Dictator #ConceptArt #Doomer #MadScientist #GuyWithIssues #Rage
#furryart #digitalart #evil #villain #porcupine #dictator #conceptart #doomer #madscientist #guywithissues #rage
Kennt noch jemand #Laibach?
Wahrscheinlich nicht. Ist das zu doof oder zu intellektuell? Zu rechts, zu links...
Ach egal. As long as #Love is still alive....
Introtext lesen, sonst wird das mit dem Sarkasmusverständnis nix.
#sarkasm #irony #pixelart #space #universe #climate #war #doomer #42 #kraftwerk #DAF #Music
#music #sarcasm #Laibach #love #sarkasm #irony #pixelart #space #universe #climate #war #doomer #kraftwerk #daf
Author(s): Cocerello, digs, doomer, skacky
Title: Speedmapping pack 173 - Quake The Way Id Did
Date: 19.12.2013
Quake The Way Id Did / 4 SP maps / Cocerello, Digs, DOOMer, Skacky
#digs #doomer #skacky #qtwid #quoth #quake
#digs #doomer #skacky #qtwid #quoth #quake
for those of you planning on suck startin a shorty #doomer #incel #pua #alternative change of perspective helps immencely if dolls cringe u
#doomer #incel #pua #alternative
I am struck on this #EarthDay by how many so-called brilliant tech bros with Substack newsletters are totally smitten with continuous #growth and #globalization - thoroughly convinced we’re gonna ‘tech’ and ‘grow’ our way out of the various crises we find ourselves facing today. Many of those same supposedly prescient tech bros insist we have more children to sustain their lofty visions of growth and expansion. Over population? Hey just ship em off to Mars where they can mine minerals for us to exploit. From my POV this is the last gasp of the industrial revolution, end-game capitalism playing out - and it’s not a pretty picture. The counterintuitive thinking of some tech bros reflects a stunning naïveté by folks who ought to know better. Before they dismiss #doomer warnings, most of which are point-on, perhaps they should pay attention to the sorry state of the planet, of society, of civility, of the vast wealth and opportunity inequities that surround us. #earthday2023 #climatecrisis #climatechange
#earthday #growth #globalization #doomer #earthday2023 #climatecrisis #climatechange
naja, als #Doomer kanns mir ja eigentlich egal sein. Hat eh alles keine Zukunft, dieser ganze Zirkus. Vermutlich spielt die Kapelle deswegen extra laut auf.
The best antidote I've found for doom & gloom, these days, is cultivating a defiantly optimistic dream of a better future and working towards building it. The powerful & destructive win most easily when the people opposing them are demoralized & afraid. Making your own hope defies them and gives you a small space where you can breathe freely.
#pagan #heathen #religion #spirituality #climatecrisis #doomer #news
to be clear: #AI will definitely continue to kill people at an accelerating rate. but the AI #doomer vision, with its preposterous/miraculous '...and then the machines cross over into RL through a network of cut-outs and secret dealings' step, should've stayed in the half-digested sf whence it came