Really interesting article about Panic Button's porting wizardry.
They are the devs who brought Rocket League to #Xbox and #PS4 -- and both #Doom (2016) and #DoomEternal to the #Switch!
#gamedev #porting #PanicButton
#xbox #ps4 #doom #doometernal #switch #gamedev #porting #PanicButton
#DoomEternal beat.
Guess I should buy those expansions now :-P
#doometernal #ps5share #playstation #gaming #doom
Reminder that both Doom 2016 (+DLCs) and Doom Eternal are both free for PS+ Extra members.
If you have even a passing interest in Doom or action FPS games you should give them a look. IMO both are *fantastic*.
#doom #doom2016 #doometernal #playstation #gaming
Suppose I should finally finish Doom Eternal lol. Will still have 2 DLCs to buy and go through after.
Sometimes I forget about half beaten games in my backlog heh.
#ps5share #playstation #gaming #doom #doometernal
Kotaku: Before Barbenheimer, There Was Doom Eternal And Animal Crossing #gaming #tech #kotaku #animalcrossingnewhorizons #multiplayeronlinegames #firstpersonshooters #videogamesequels #christophernolan #horrorvideogames #windowsgames #doometernal #gretagerwig #oppenheimer #hugomartin #idsoftware #nintendo #isabelle #eternal #doomguy #doom
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #animalcrossingnewhorizons #multiplayeronlinegames #firstpersonshooters #videogamesequels #christophernolan #horrorvideogames #windowsgames #doometernal #gretagerwig #Oppenheimer #hugomartin #idsoftware #nintendo #isabelle #eternal #doomguy #doom
🎵 Doom, Doom, Doom, I want you in my room. 🎶
Schlächte mich weiter durch #DoomEternal
Aber länger als 30 bis 40 Minuten am Stück schafft man da kaum. Da braucht man ne Pause. Man ist das abgefuckter Shooterscheiß. Der wohl beste, den ich je gespielt habe. Fühlt sich mehr nach #Q3A an als Doom. Liebs.
#DoomEternal macht nen heiden spaß. aber diese blöden Jump abschnitte nerven einfach nur. Wer hat sich das einfallen lassen? Wirkt, als würde damit künstlich das Game verlängert.
The later you get into #DoomEternal, the more your objectives start sounding like stuff the #GuiltyGear announcer would say before rounds. "Retrive your crucible and battle through the soul factory."
#doometernal #guiltygear #doom #videogames #fgc #gaming
So, mal weiter #DoomEternal gespielt. Klasse Shooter. Aber das ständige leben am unteren Limit der Munitionsmenge nervt etwas. Ich weiß, gehört zum Konzept. Nervt mich trotzdem. Ich will doch nur rumballern und Dämonen killen...
#KenaBridgeOfSpirits, #DOOMEternal e #RidersRepublic são algumas das novidades que já estão disponíveis para os membros do #PlayStationPlus Premium e Extra. #Doom e #DoomII destacam-se entre as novidades do catálogo de clássicos para os membros Premium.
#moshbitgaming #doomii #doom #playstationplus #RidersRepublic #doometernal #KenaBridgeofSpirits
Samus, Doom Slayer and Master Chief walking to the club
#Halo #metroid #DOOM #DoomEternal #doomslayer #masterchief #samus
Samus 3D Model by
4K Version:
#halo #metroid #doom #doometernal #doomslayer #masterchief #samus
Zenimax hasn't quit Sony yet!
Doom Eternal and Wolfenstein lead PS Plus Extra games coming in April
#DoomEternal #idSoftware #Wolfenstein #MachineGames #PSPlus #Sony #PlayStation #GamingNews
#doometernal #idsoftware #wolfenstein #machinegames #psplus #sony #playstation #gamingnews
@bragi #AmidEvil #BlackSkylands #Blacktail #BrightMemory #Cloudpunk #DeadCells #DeathsGambit #Doom #DoomEternal #Dusk #Eastward #EnderLilies #Firewatch #F.I.S.T. #FuryUnleashed #Ghost1.0 #Hellblade #HogwartsLegacy #HollowKnight #Huntdown #ICEY #Intravenous #KatanaZero #LegoCityUndercover #LittleNightmares #LostEmber #LostRuins #MarkOfTheNinja #TheMessenger #NaritaBoy #NeonWhite #Noita #oxygennotincluded #PostalBrainDamaged #Redout #Rustler #SakuraNova #Scourgebringer
#amidevil #blackskylands #blacktail #brightmemory #cloudpunk #deadcells #deathsgambit #doom #doometernal #dusk #eastward #enderlilies #firewatch #f #furyunleashed #ghost1 #hellblade #hogwartslegacy #hollowknight #huntdown #icey #intravenous #katanazero #legocityundercover #littlenightmares #lostember #lostruins #markoftheninja #themessenger #naritaboy #neonwhite #noita #oxygennotincluded #postalbraindamaged #redout #rustler #sakuranova #scourgebringer
Remember when #DoomEternal and #AnimalCrossing came out and became the unlikely duo we didn't know we needed in a time of crisis?
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