#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#doomfister #plot #pony #butt #suggestive #zebra #silent-e #zecora #plant_vore #simple_background
Zecora has an unexpected encounter with an invasive species of pony eating plant....
My one-hundred-and-seventeenth sketch from Silent_E 's patreon. This one features Zecora, who is now just a mare-sized serving of fresh fertilizer for the lucky pitfall plant.
This Zebra-stuffed plant was kindly c...
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art #doomfister #plot #butt #suggestive #zebra #silent #zecora #plant_vore #simple_background
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#rarity #earth_pony #lotus_blossom #futa #breasts #magnificent-arsehole #cock_vore #story_in_the_source #doomfister #vore
Rarity has arranged a special treatment at the Ponyville spa, though I don't quite feel that Aloe and Lotus know what they have gotten themselves into when they agreed to perform an intimate internal massage....
The first part of a multi image commission I got from magnifice...
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art #rarity #earth_pony #lotus_blossom #futa #breasts #magnificent #cock_vore #story_in_the_source #doomfister
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#dj_pon-3 #doomfister #translucent_belly #crazy_water #background_banquet #big_belly #oral_vore #octavia_melody #rape #explicit
With the conquest of Canterlot, the changeling hive found themselves in possession of a large number of pony prisoners. The number of enslaved equines too much for the swarm to properly subjugate, though I am sure that won't be much of an issue for the insatiable insects...
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art #dj_pon #doomfister #translucent_belly #crazy_water #background_banquet #big_belly #oral_vore #octavia_melody #rape #explicit
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#oral_vore #changeling_queen #story_in_the_source #ahegao #doomfister #suggestive #white_background #chrysalispred #mind_control #lunaprey
Queen Chrysalis sneaks into Canterlot Castle with an insatiable hunger for revenge. A subduing spell upon a slumbering princess is more than enough to secure a sovereign snack without a fuss, not like Luna will realize what is happening before the ingestive encoun...
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art #oral_vore #changeling_queen #story_in_the_source #ahegao #doomfister #suggestive #white_background #chrysalispred #mind_control #lunaprey
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#mare #silent-e #burping_feathers #bug-zapper #oc #white_background #doomfister #burp #pony #story_in_the_source
During a business trip to Las Pegasus, Bug began flirting with a mare by the hotel pool. One thing led to another, and before long the orange pegasus invited her back to her room. From there Bug's gluttonous tendencies soon surfaced, and before long, what Whirlwind Romance had expected to ...
#story_in_the_source #burp #doomfister #white_background #oc #bug #burping_feathers #silent #mare #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#crotchboobs #nudity #doomfister #pegasus #semi-grimdark #implied_death #belly_button #princess_vorestia #mare #alicorn
When Spitfire preformed an unexpected inspection of the cadet's dorms, the last thing she expected to see was Lightning Dust gulping down her wing pony. The captain of the Wonderbolts not sure how to react as she saw her most promising pupil making a meal of her Rainbow Dash, thou...
#alicorn #mare #princess_vorestia #belly_button #implied_death #semi #pegasus #doomfister #nudity #crotchboobs #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#want_it_need_it #pony #vore #heart #mind_control #doomfister #anal_vore #fetish #glimmer_prey #heart_eyes
Starlight Glimmer confronts Trixie about the suspiciously shaped swelling in her stomach. Trixie immediately trying to deflect the blame of her sovereign suppository, only for Starlight to catch a gander at the magician's enchanted posterior, forcing the unicorn to enjoy an unplanned derrière de...
#heart_eyes #glimmer_prey #fetish #anal_vore #doomfister #mind_control #heart #want_it_need_it #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#doomfister #big_belly #maud_pie #oral_vore #fangs #story_in_the_source #muffled_words #festive_feasting #limestone_pie #translucent_belly
Now very much wide awake, Marble finds herself at the mercy of her still-hungry insect intruder...
Part two of four, of a set done by Crazy Water ( https://derpibooru.org/profiles/Crazy+Water ) for the now free Festive Feasting Artpack. This was the first time ...
#translucent_belly #limestone_pie #festive_feasting #muffled_words #story_in_the_source #fangs #oral_vore #maud_pie #big_belly #doomfister #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#doomfister #comic #transparent_flesh #crotchboobs #queen_chrysalis #changeling #pinkie_pie #nipples #maud_pie #questionable
The last thing you want to see when you stir from your sleep in the middle of the night, is a hungry queen looming over you. Unfortunately, it was this scary sight that Marble awoke to, and based on the bulge in Chrissy's belly, it looks like she paid a visit to the rest of the...
#questionable #maud_pie #nipples #pinkie_pie #changeling #queen_chrysalis #crotchboobs #transparent_flesh #comic #doomfister #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#doomfister #swallowing #female #silent-e #nudity #drool #earth_pony #vore #bug-zapper #octavia_melody
When it comes to selecting mares to munch, Bug is not a particularly picky pony, though there were certain traits that make it more likely for a perspective prey item to earn a terminal trip to her tummy. Unfortunately for Octavia she happened to tick all of these boxes during an encounter with the ...
#octavia_melody #bug #earth_pony #drool #nudity #silent #female #swallowing #doomfister #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#vore #fluttershy #butt #worm_vore #nudity #story_in_the_source #explicit #doomfister #silent-e #pony
Walking off the trail to pick some juicy berries she had spotted, Fluttershy has a rather unpleasant encounter with a very hungry and large threshold worm...
My eighty-fifth sketch from Silent_E 's patreon.
This voracious encounter with the food chain was kindly coloured by my friend plaguety...
#silent #doomfister #explicit #story_in_the_source #nudity #worm_vore #butt #fluttershy #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#willing_vore #anal_vore #wingding_eyes #belly #explicit #unicorn #preylight #doomfister #pony #heart_eyes
When she was flicking through one of the many magic tomes leant to her by Starlight, Trixie found a rather fun-looking spell to help her pull a prank on her favourite frenemy princess Twilight Sparkle. Unfortunately seemed to have overestimated the power of the spell, and a simple request of "ki...
#heart_eyes #doomfister #preylight #unicorn #explicit #belly #wingding_eyes #anal_vore #willing_vore #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#octavia_melody #fetish #silent-e #dj_pon-3 #vinyl_scratch #plaguetyranno #pony #unbirthing #bug-zapper #doomfister
Multiple meals in a single sitting are no issue for the grey glutton, as Bug is an experienced equine eater, with a seemingly endless capacity for chevaline. Because of this when she saw an opportunity to snag some musician snacks, she didn't skip a beat, as she knew the perfect holes t...
#doomfister #bug #unbirthing #plaguetyranno #vinyl_scratch #dj_pon #silent #fetish #octavia_melody #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#smiling #doomfister #unbirthing #one_eye_closed #oc #open_smile #open_mouth #story_in_the_source #earth_pony #big_crotchboobs
Bug decided to treat Line to a special birthday present, though with like most things regarding the grey glutton it's predatory in nature....
A joint birthday gift between me and Nomi for Crazy Water ( https://derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-crazy+water ). Hopefully, Line...
#big_crotchboobs #earth_pony #story_in_the_source #open_mouth #open_smile #oc #one_eye_closed #unbirthing #doomfister #smiling #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#plaguetyranno #questionable #story_in_the_source #white_background #unicorn #rarity #doomfister #rariprey #schoolmarm_rarity #silent-e
One of the oft-forgotten quirks of eating unicorns is the gentle tingle of magic once their bones begin to break down within the stomach. Depending on the magical potential of a meal, it can often leave their predator rather gassy, as the surplus sorcery is belched u...
#silent #schoolmarm_rarity #rariprey #doomfister #rarity #unicorn #white_background #story_in_the_source #questionable #plaguetyranno #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#earth_pony #story_in_the_source #doomfister #mare #vore #lunapred #questionable #pony #silent-e #octavia_melody
When Octavia was invited to give a private recital for Princess Luna, the cellist was fast to accept. Unfortunately for the sophisticated mare, it seemed the sovereign had more of a taste for mare meat than music...
My seventy-eighth sketch from Silent_E 's patreon.
This well-fed Lu...
#octavia_melody #silent #questionable #lunapred #mare #doomfister #story_in_the_source #earth_pony #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#apple_family_member #earth_pony #big_belly #marmalade_jalapeno_popette #belly #smiling #clothes #eyes_closed #doomfister #pony
During a recent visit to Appleloosa, Pinkie decided to indulge in the local cuisine before gracing the town's populace with a cheerful song and dance number. The outgoing equine doing her best to strut her stuff on stage, even if the two mare-shaped bulges in her belly are m...
#doomfister #eyes_closed #clothes #smiling #belly #marmalade_jalapeno_popette #big_belly #earth_pony #apple_family_member #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#oc #simple_background #telegram_pony #doomfister #silent-e #pony #earth_pony #story_in_the_source #plaguetyranno #female
When Bug woke up she had not anticipated that she might receive a telegram. Not like the mardy mare minded the unexpected message, as she just viewed the cheerful pegamare who had dropped it off as a late breakfast...
My seventy-seventh sketch from Silent_E 's patreon.
#female #plaguetyranno #story_in_the_source #earth_pony #silent #doomfister #telegram_pony #simple_background #oc #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#plaguetyranno #female #mare #frog_(hoof) #silent-e #preylight #plot #vore #pony #doomfister
When Twilight had embarked on an expedition of Ghastly Gorge in search of fossils, she had written a lengthy risk assessment, with a special focus on Quarry Eels. Unfortunately for the educated equine, she had glossed over the local leeches as she had assumed them little more than a mildly irritating parasite...
#doomfister #plot #preylight #silent #frog_ #mare #female #plaguetyranno #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#oc #crazy_water #mare #doomfister #questionable #female #bat_pony_oc #breasts #plant #plant_vore
When Racket decided she was going to take a mid-morning walk on a lovely summer day, she had not expected an encounter with a predatory plant. The hungry shrub rapidly dragging the squealing equine off the trail, and wasted no time in swiftly shoving the hapless mare into its waiting gullet. The bewilder...
#plant_vore #plant #breasts #bat_pony_oc #female #questionable #doomfister #mare #crazy_water #oc #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw