Zergy :verified: :redpanda: · @Zergy
103 followers · 2601 posts · Server mastodon.zergy.net

Si vous aimez les FPS bêtes et méchant, à l'ancienne, je vous conseil Boltgun, qui est ni plus ni moins que Doom à la sauce Warhammer 40 000.

Dispo sur PS4 et 5, Xbox One et Serie, Switch et PC (compatible Proton)

Si vous y jouez sous GNU/Linux ou SteamDeck, il vous faudra convertir les vidéos pour qu'elles fonctionnent : reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comment

#jeux #fps #doomlike #warhammer40k

Last updated 1 year ago

RAT QUEEN 🐀🐁🐀👑 · @ratqueen
461 followers · 175 posts · Server mastodon.social

And the second part of our entry ROOT 666.
You can fight the enemies now who will freeze when hit with the Mandrake. Well, you too, if you stay too close to them.
With @ratking and @Norrimo


#ggj23 #globalgamejam #doomlike #ScreenshotSaturday #unity

Last updated 2 years ago

TroytlePower · @TroytlePower
73 followers · 86 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

I'm having a blast playing through Fashion Police Squad on the Switch. I'm about halfway through the review copy I was sent, and put together some thoughts!

"Fashion Police Squad drops you into the well-shined shoes of a fashion-cop out to make the world a more stylish place."


#boomershooter #doomlike #fps #review #gamereview #indiegames #indiegame #nintendoswitch #fashionpolicesquad

Last updated 2 years ago