This is a upload of a live playthrough of #JupiterHell back seated by its creator and #DoomRL maker Kornel Kisielewicz.
Great conversation and some fun cheesy gameplay. I skip a whole boss and half a level in this run. :D
I played a lot of #doomrl and rollerbladed quite some kilometers to "I have a special plan for this world" by Current 93 / Thomas Ligotti. I think it's one of the best poems of the modern poetry, if not the best. Ligotti is a weird cookie, but even a weird cookie is capable of true greatness.
De les cendres del projecte cancel·lat per denuncia de Bethesda, l'equip va rebatejar el seu #DoomRL amb #JupiterHell, un joc d'acció per torns i amb tocs d'RPG inspirat en Doom.
El 5 d'agost planeja el seu llançament.
#videojocs #Linux #macOS #Win10
#doomrl #jupiterhell #videojocs #linux #macos #win10