Die Bretagne wenn der #DoomsdayGlacier schmilzt. Grande Bretagne et petite Bretagne.
#DidYouKnow: Thwaites #Glacier, nicknamed the #DoomsdayGlacier, is an unusually broad and vast Antarctic glacier flowing into Pine Island Bay, part of the Amundsen Sea.
The Thwaites Glacier is melting in unexpected ways that could lead to its rapid collapse and it could drive catastrophic sea level rise.
#doomsdayglacier #glacier #didyouknow
#DoomsdayGlacier not looking good at all. Melting even faster than expected.
So-called #Doomsday Glacier is 'in trouble,' scientists say after finding surprising formations under ice shelf
Researchers have estimated global sea level could ultimately rise around 10 feet if the Thwaites, which acts like a natural dam, collapsed in Antarctica.
By Laura Paddison, CNN, Feb 15, 2023
"Antarctica's "Doomsday Glacier" -- nicknamed because its collapse could drive catastrophic sea level rise -- is melting rapidly in unexpected ways, according to new research.
"The Thwaites Glacier is roughly the size of Florida and is located in West Antarctica. Part of what holds it in place is an ice shelf that juts out onto the surface of the ocean. The shelf acts like a cork, holding the glacier back on the land and providing an important defense against sea level rise.
"But the crucial ice shelf is highly vulnerable as the ocean warms.
"In two studies, published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, scientists revealed while the pace of melting underneath much of the ice shelf is slower than previously thought, deep cracks and 'staircase' formations in the ice are melting much faster."
#DoomsdayGlacier #GlobalWarming #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateChange
#doomsday #doomsdayglacier #globalwarming #climatecatastrophe #ClimateChange
Jesus... the fact that we now have a glacier called the '#DoomsdayGlacier' should ring some kind of warning bell... no?
Record low sea ice cover in the Antarctic
There is currently less sea ice in the Antarctic than at any time in the forty years since the beginning of satellite observation: in early February 2023, only 2.20 million square kilometers of the Southern Ocean were covered with sea ice. Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute and the University of Bremen analyze the situation for the Sea Ice Portal.
Provided by Alfred Wegener Institute
graph from: https://earth.gsfc.nasa.gov/cryo/data/current-state-sea-ice-cover
#climatecrisis #DoomsdayGlacier #Thwaites
#JustKeepOnWorking #NothingToBeSeenHere #EatTheRich
#climatecrisis #doomsdayglacier #thwaites #justkeeponworking #nothingtobeseenhere #eattherich
Der Winter. Die Erkenntnis von Wissenschaftler:innen, dass in der Antarktis ein riesiger Gletscher, der #ThwaitesGlacier oder #DoomsdayGlacier, demnächst abbrechen und den Meeresspiegel um 65 cm erhöhen wird, löst große Angst aus – bis er wieder vergessen ist. Mehr zu lesen bei: https://twitter.com/Jasonvj2005/status/1475065879910137856?s=20&t=sJer7l1CCKNNrjRzZbM3wg
Der Frühling. Durch die tödliche Dürre im Horn von Afrika kommt es zu entsetzlichen Hungerleiden von Millionen von Menschen.
Bis 2070 könnten 30% des Planeten zu Todeszonen werden. Das wird bis zu 3,5 Milliarden Menschen treffen.
#ThwaitesGlacier #doomsdayglacier
Weird... this article is from the future (Nov 1, 22)... But it's equally scary, anyhow. #doomsdayglacier #climateemergency
#doomsdayglacier #climateemergency
So what's that #DoomsDayGlacier collapsing likely to sound like? Well, @chrisrwatson traveled to Antarctica and recorded something similar.
(These BBC3 podcasts are still available for download, btw.)