Global News BC: Surrey residents urged to register security cameras with city to aid police #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MetroVancouverCrimeStoppers #cameraregistry #Doorbellcamera #SecurityCamera #CrimeStoppers #VideoEvidence #CityofSurrey #HomeSecurity #projectoptic #ProjectIRIS #SurreyRCMP #Security #Surrey #Crime #CCTV
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #metrovancouvercrimestoppers #cameraregistry #doorbellcamera #securitycamera #CrimeStoppers #videoevidence #CityofSurrey #homesecurity #projectoptic #projectiris #SurreyRCMP #security #surrey #crime #cctv and a subsidiary came to separate multi-million dollar agreements on Wednesday, the #FederalTradeCommission investigated #privacy issues involving homes using the #Ring #doorbellcamera and youngsters utilising the #voiceassistant Alexa. According to a court document filed in federal court in #Seattle, Amazon agreed to pay $25 million to settle claims that it violated #children's #privacy rights when it refused to delete #Alexa recordings at the request of...
#amazon #federaltradecommission #privacy #ring #doorbellcamera #voiceassistant #seattle #children #alexa
Global News BC: TikTok door-knock challenge turns confrontational as B.C. homeowner confronts youth #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Doorknockingchallengegonewrong #TikTokdoorknockingchallenge #CrownIsledoorknocking #TikTokchallengedoor #Vigallantejustice #TikTokchallenge #Doorbellcamera #TikTokVideos #TikTok #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #doorknockingchallengegonewrong #tiktokdoorknockingchallenge #crownisledoorknocking #tiktokchallengedoor #vigallantejustice #tiktokchallenge #doorbellcamera #tiktokvideos #tiktok #crime
Here's my new Home Assistant Tutorial video!
How to SHOW YOUR CAMERA REMOTELY on Your Phone When The Doorbell Rings
Have fun!
#homeassistant #camera #snapshot #doorbellcam #doorbellcamera
#homeassistant #camera #snapshot #doorbellcam #doorbellcamera
Do People Caught on Ring Cameras Have Privacy Rights?
Surveillance devices are becoming more ubiquitous. Do those who unknowingly appear in cam footage have rights—and who gets to decide?
#Privacy #RightToPrivacy #PrivacyRights #RingCamera #DoorBellCamera #SurveillanceTechnologies
#surveillancetechnologies #doorbellcamera #ringcamera #privacyrights #righttoprivacy #privacy
Found this on my doorstep on the ground. Now I told my spouse I followed someone from my door the morning that the #Christmas Bureau came. I also told her he looked scared and an awful lot like our favourite useful idiot, Yuri Silkin. Just look at the email address, #WTF is that?? I cannot imagine this is legit but once I get access back to my 2FA, I will be making a FB post to the Bureau to make sure.
#christmas #wtf #noquarter #RCMP #rcmpnextdoor #doorcam #doorbellcamera #doorbellvideo
Here's my new video. Check it out!
This is the ULTIMATE Video Doorbell that we've all been waiting for! Including @homeassistant integration tutorial.
#videodoorbell #doorbellcamera #homeassistant #tutorial #technews »#RingCameras Are Being Used to #Control and #Surveil Overworked #DeliveryWorkers: A report interviewed #doorbellcamera users and #deliverydrivers to understand how #surveillance is affecting both, for the worse.«
#technews #RingCameras #control #Surveil #deliveryworkers #doorbellcamera #deliverydrivers #surveillance