"There have been #bikelanes on Ocean for many years, but they were located in the #doorzone, or where car doors open. With this design, 14 #bikes in the morning, 4 in the evening is what we were seeing," explains Jason Kligier, #mobility manager with the Santa Monica Department of #Transportation.
#bikelanes #doorzone #bikes #mobility #transportation
An oldie but a goodie. Cred the folks in PNW. #sharrowsarebullshit #doorzone #parkingreform @TheWarOnCars
#sharrowsarebullshit #doorzone #parkingreform
An oldie but a goodie. #doorzone #sharrowsarebullshit @waroncars
#doorzone #sharrowsarebullshit
New bike infrastructure in Boulder, 2022. Can you thread a path between the #doorzone and the second curb? How about in the dark?