Still a lovely novel feeling paying for music. You can get Jeff Rosenstock’s unsurprisingly brilliant new album for free (or a donation) here: . Also Doppler app is great #punk #music #doppler
Doppler Speed Sensor Puts FFT and AGC to Work - Some people hate to revisit projects that are done and dusted. We get that; it’s a... - #fastfouriertransform #radiohacks #stm32f031 #doppler #max9814 #cdm324 #radar #acg #fft
#fft #acg #radar #cdm324 #max9814 #doppler #stm32f031 #radiohacks #fastfouriertransform
Mit dem Deutschen Buchpreis zeichnet der Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels den besten deutschsprachigen Roman des Jahres aus. Auf der Longlist steht in diesem Jahr auch der Roman „Doppler“ von Thomas Oláh.
#BuchpreisLonglist #DeutscherBuchpreis #DeutscherBuchpreis2023 #Doppler #ThomasOláh #DeutscherBuchpreisDieLonglistZumHören
#buchpreislonglist #deutscherbuchpreis #deutscherbuchpreis2023 #doppler #thomasolah #deutscherbuchpreisdielonglistzumhoren
Why Do #BlackHoles Look Like This?!
#ScienceAsylum #NickLucid #Science #Astrophysics #Physics #GR #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #Spacetime #WarpedSpacetime #WarpedSpace #AccretionDisk #Lens #GravitationalLens #GravitationalLensing #Optics #Doppler #Shadow
#shadow #doppler #optics #gravitationallensing #gravitationallens #lens #AccretionDisk #warpedspace #warpedspacetime #spacetime #gravity #generalrelativity #gr #physics #astrophysics #science #nicklucid #scienceasylum #blackholes
#Doppler indicated potential tornado in #Vaudreuil #Montreal
Heading north east. Take cover. Don't mess with it.
Und ja, in diesem Teilgebiet gibt man die #Energie bzw. -bandbreite der #Photonen in mm/s an.
Das ist nicht deren Geschwindigkeit!
Es ist die Geschwindigkeit des Kristalls, der mit ~ 7 mm/s periodisch hin- und herbewegt wird und dann vermöge #Doppler-Effekt die Photonenenergie zeitlich periodisch durchstimmt.
Der Detektor ist auf den Motor synchronisiert und somit ist für jedes Photon dessen Energie bekannt.
#moßbauer #doppler #Photonen #energie
#ScienceClc - What would we see at the #SpeedOfLight?
#Physics #Science #GR #GeneralRelativity #SpecialRelativity #Relativity #LightSpeed #FTL #Doppler #DopplerEffect #RedShift #BlueShift #TimeDilation #LengthContraction #WarpDrive
#warpdrive #lengthcontraction #TimeDilation #blueshift #redshift #dopplereffect #doppler #FTL #lightspeed #relativity #specialrelativity #generalrelativity #gr #science #physics #speedoflight #scienceclc
I just want to listen to my music. Why is that so difficult for Apple to understand?
🔵 Ecocolordoppler: cos’è, a che serve e come funziona? quali distretti del corpo e quali malattia può indagare?
👉 Segui il link:
✅ #ecografia #ultrasuoni #Doppler #ecocolordoppler #sangue #flussosanguigno #arterie #vene #EmilioAlessioLoiacono #MedicinaOnLine
#ecografia #ultrasuoni #doppler #ecocolordoppler #sangue #flussosanguigno #arterie #vene #EmilioAlessioLoiacono #MedicinaOnLine
Eigene Musiksammlung auf dem iPhone: BTR AMP mit neuen Codecs
Die Musik-Player-App BTR AMP richtet sich an Nutzer, die klassisch ihre persönliche Musiksammlung pflegen und auch von ihren Mobilgeräten aus flexibel und komfortabel auf diese zugreifen wollen. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei in der Unterstützung möglichst vieler Formate und Codecs, hier hat der Entwickler auch in der aktuellen Version der App wieder nachgebessert. In Version 15.0 […]
#Apps #btramp #doppler #musik #player
Original Doppler efffect animations I developed for a physics course last week: subsonic speed, mach 1, mach 1.5 and mach 2 visualizations of the formation of the sound barrier and the shock wave cone.
#doppler #shockwaves #physics #scienceanimation #sound #soundwaves #mathanimation #soundbarrier #apphysics #physicsteacher
#doppler #shockwaves #physics #scienceanimation #sound #soundwaves #mathanimation #SoundBarrier #apphysics #physicsteacher
Original Doppler efffect animations I developed for a physics course last week: subsonic speed, mach 1, mach 1.5 and mach 2 visualizations of the formation of the sound barrier and the shock wave cone. #doppler #shockwaves #physics #scienceanimation #sound #soundwaves #mathanimation #soundbarrier #apphysics #physicsteacher
#doppler #shockwaves #physics #scienceanimation #sound #soundwaves #mathanimation #SoundBarrier #apphysics #physicsteacher
A little piece of mathematical art I made after coding a doppler effect animation for a physics course: these points generate shock waves as they travel around a polar rose curve. #mathart #doppler #physics #computerart #scienceanimation #science #shockwave
#mathart #doppler #physics #computerart #scienceanimation #science #shockwave
Take a Deep Dive Into a Commodity Automotive Radar Chip #ReverseEngineering #reverseengineering #automotive #microwave #carradar #Infineon #Doppler #sensor #mixer #radar #LNA #vco
#ReverseEngineering #automotive #microwave #carradar #infineon #doppler #sensor #mixer #radar #lna #vco
Take a Deep Dive Into a Commodity Automotive Radar Chip - When the automobile industry really began to take off in the 1930s, radar was bare... - #reverseengineering #automotive #microwave #carradar #infineon #doppler #sensor #mixer #radar #lna #vco
#vco #lna #radar #mixer #sensor #doppler #infineon #carradar #microwave #automotive #reverseengineering
Passed my Doppler today. Was measured up for a new compression wrap for my right leg. My left leg, the one with the leg ulcer, has been put in a compression dressing, which only 1 nurse at our surgery trained to do. The swab came back as normal skin flora so not infected now.
#Compression Dressing
#doppler #legulcer #compression #compressionwraps #compressionhosiery
How On-Frequency Are Those Cheap Radar Modules? #RadioHacks #microwve #Doppler #radar
#RadioHacks #microwve #doppler #radar