Needless to say, the open source community has definitely improved life for me lately. It's inspired me to step up my game too with my #dorado astronomy/python project (which has been in development since 2018/19, and is almost ready for a stable release) and a Raspberry pi based open-hardware project that's not quite ready for the public yet.
Just started watching #El #Dorado again.
Starts off with a great scene between Ed #Asner & John Wayne. To leave after telling him he isn't going to work as his hired gun, John #Wayne backs his horse up, so that he doesn't have to turn his back and risk getting shot.
Las Escuelas Municipales, llamadas #Dorado, de Sama de #Langreo #Asturias datan de 1920. TenÃan planta rectangular -más tarde convertida en U- y dos pisos, en un estilo ecléctico-historicista frecuente en este tipo de edificios, la fachada principal concentra más ornamentación. Después de perder su función docente, en 1985 se reformó para centro cultural.
TESS vindt tweede aardse planeet in de bewoonbare zone van TOI-700
De nieuw gevonden planeet heet TOI-700e en heeft een grootte van 0,95 * de Aarde en is vermoedelijk rotsachtig. TOI-700 is een ster van spectraalklasse M2 (rode dwerg) die ongeveer 102 lichtjaar van de Aarde is verwijderd in de richting van het zuidelijke sterrenbeeld Dorado – Goudvis.
#dorado #goudvis #tess #exoplaneet #astronomie
Meanwhile, 100 light-years from #Earth, on the #Dorado #constellation, #TOI700.
Or the knowing of a second world around the #star #TOI700 with the same size as ours and with the potential to retain water.
#exoplanet #alien #alienlife #astronomy #astronomy #TESS #NASA
#dorado #constellation #earth #toi700 #star #exoplanet #alien #alienlife #astronomy #tess #nasa
En busca de algo para subrayar me he comprado un rotulador granate de punta fina, y uno dorado de punta media. Si paso el dorado por encima de alguna letra, solo se ve un espeso y brillante dorado, lo tapa todo.
#rotuladores #dorado #puntas #opaco #subrayar
Que hermoso es levantarse y escuchar el canto de un #jilguero #dorado #CanarioCriollo #CanarioDaTerra
#jilguero #dorado #canariocriollo #canariodaterra
A release note for #bioinformatics #basecalling fans! We've released wf-basecalling: wrapping the experimental #nanopore #Dorado caller in an easy to use #nextflow pipeline, and incorporated it into wf-human-variation 0.4.0 for an end-to-end bases to variants workflow!
#nextflow #dorado #nanopore #basecalling #bioinformatics