Today in Labor History May 26, 1895: American photojournalist Dorothea Lange was born. She is best-known for her empathetic photographs of people during the Great Depression. However, she is also one of the first to document the suffering of Japanese Americans who were imprisoned during World War II.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #GreatDepression #poverty #ww2 #japanese #prison #ConcentrationCamp #journalism #photography #DorotheaLange
#workingclass #LaborHistory #GreatDepression #poverty #ww2 #japanese #prison #concentrationcamp #journalism #photography #dorotheaLange
Dorothea Lange, White Angel Bread Line, San Francisco, 1933 #dorothealange #museumofmodernart
#museumofmodernart #dorotheaLange #photographer #photography #photographyisart