What to do with the mad people?
Outta sight outta mind.
History. Treatments. Surgery. Sterilization.
The Rise and Fall of the Asylum
PBS series: Mysteries of Mental Illness
About an hour long
Aired: 06/23/21
Expires: 07/22/24
Hashtags & Group mentions below
#DorotheaDix #eugenics #Galton #darwin #MoralTreatment #history
#documentary #asylum
#Madness #MadMastodon #MadPride #MadThought
#MadMovement #MadStudies #Mad #Madodon #TransMad
#Ablesim #DisabilityCommunity #InvisibleDisabilities
#PsychiatricSurvivor #AntiPsychiatry #DisabilityJustice
#LivedExperience #PsychSurvivor #ChronicPain
#DisabilityMastodon #Neurodivergent #RadicalMentalHealth
#CripCamp #DisabilityRights #NeuroDiversity
#Sanism #Disability #DisabilityStudies
#madliterature #dorotheadix #eugenics #galton #darwin #moraltreatment #history #documentary #asylum #antiblacksanism #Madness #madmastodon #madpride #madthought #madmovement #madstudies #mad #Madodon #TransMad #ablesim #disabilitycommunity #invisibledisabilities #psychiatricsurvivor #antipsychiatry #DisabilityJustice #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #chronicpain #DisabilityMastodon #neurodivergent #radicalmentalhealth #CripCamp #DisabilityRights #neurodiversity #sanism #disability #disabilitystudies #stories
Dorothea Dix, born in 1802 in Hampden, America, was a determined person who dedicated her life to help people with mental illness and developmental disabilities. Despite facing many challenges in her childhood, including the death of her mother and a struggling family, Dix worked hard as a teacher and a governess to earn money for her education.
#dorotheadix #mentalillnessawareness #disabilityrights