#RIP Dorothee Sölle
Dorothee Sölle & #derOsten
Am 27. April 2003 verstarb die Theologin und #Dichterin Dorothee Sölle.
Rund um ihren 20. Todestag erinnern Begleiter:innen, #Akademien und viele #Akteur:innen an #Sölle als #feministischeTheologin, #Theopoetin und politische #Aktivistin.
Keine andere deutschsprachige #Theologin hat im 20. Jahrhundert eine so bedeutende und weitreichende Wirksamkeit entfaltet wie #DorotheeSölle...
#dorotheesolle #theologin #aktivistin #theopoetin #feministischetheologin #solle #akteur #akademien #Dichterin #derosten #widerstand #dieeule #rip
“'I believe in the crucified Lord who is alive, the failure which didn’t fail, the defenceless man whom God did not forsake, the man who loved, with whose cause God identified God’s self. God says yes to what we usually, with good reason, deny. God makes him the lifebringer, whom we thought of as lost in unreality.'"
#DorotheeSölle #TruthIsConcrete
#dorotheesolle #truthisconcrete
Everything she writes speaks to the depth of my soul. This is from the "Foreward" of "The Truth is Concrete" (p.9)
#dorotheesolle #truthisconcrete
“The return of the #myth happens among those who need the #hope it offers.” ~ #DorotheeSölle p. 36
#myth #hope #dorotheesolle #sarahpinnock #theologyofdorotheesoelle
“Myth is not rendered superfluous in the logos; rather, it is validated there, celebrated and recovered. The strongest testimonies of liberation theology are prayers, liturgies, proposals for how we worship God, in all of which the Christian myth, especially the exodus and resurrection, is dramatized. Something like that can happen only among those who depend on the world being changed and do not withdraw from such undertakings in academic resignation. They need God because the generally espoused view of ‘this world’ that impacts them is a death sentence on the poor: the poor must become even poorer so that the rich may become even richer. It is an illusion to assume that we live in a scientifically transparent and controllable world that can do without belief in the God of justice. It is, after all, only the rich who can comfortably do without God.”
#dorotheesolle #sarahpinnock #theologyofdorotheesoelle
@LorenzMeyer Auch frage ich mich, ob derartige Rasterfahndungsmethoden legal sind. Personendaten Konfessionsloser, gehen die die Kirchen etwas an? Das Kirchgeld, das die Kirchen von Konfessionslosen erheben, die mit einem ihrer Mitglieder verheiratet oder verpartnert sind, sorgt hier wohl für einen sehr großzügigen Datenfluss.
* #Befreiungstheologie #ChristinnenundChristenfürdenSozialismus #DorotheeSölle #KarlMarx
#karlmarx #dorotheesolle #christinnenundchristenfurdensozialismus #befreiungstheologie
#Rückblick #throwback #Highlights
#Gottesdienst #Stadtkirche #Schorndorf
Stadtkirche am Abend
29.1.2023 19 Uhr:#Leben braucht #Mut+#Leidenschaft
#Texte+#Inspirationen v.#DorotheeSölle
#Videos https://www.instagram.com/p/CoGhPIdo8fC/
Auszüge https://www.instagram.com/p/CoIfrarNbEb/
#Vortrag https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoGStwBAWHw/
#Lied Bleib bei mir, Herr https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoIgOJYAZfW/
#Song I pray f.#peace https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoGZc3AIiJ0/
#Nachspiel https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoEPf8_oB5P/
#BettinaHertel https://www.stadtkirche-schorndorf.de/fileadmin/mediapool/gemeinden/KG_schorndorf_stadtkirche/Stadtkirche_am_Abend/Manuskripte/Leben_braucht_Mut_und_Leidenschaft_Hertel.pdf
#ruckblick #throwback #Highlights #gottesdienst #stadtkirche #schorndorf #leben #mut #Leidenschaft #texte #inspirationen #dorotheesolle #videos #vortrag #lied #song #peace #nachspiel #bettinahertel #dorotheeeisrich
Mit offenen Augen
#Impulse Dorothee Sölles für ein #Christentum im 21. Jahrhundert
Ev. Tagungsstätte #BadBoll
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Gehring
Swantje Amelung
Dr. Ursula Baltz-Otto
Viola Gabor
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Groezinger
Pfarrerin Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Hartlieb
#BettinaHertel, Herausgeberin - D. Sölle Texten
Hinrich Kley-Olsen
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Marcel Martin
Ekkehard Rössle, #Saxophon
#tagung #impulse #christentum #badboll #bettinahertel #saxophon #religion #kirche #theologie #dorotheesolle
28.-30.4.23 #Tagung #Präsentveranstaltung
Ev. Tagungsstätte #BadBoll
Mit offenen Augen
#Impulse Dorothee Sölles f. ein #Christentum im 21. Jahrhundert
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Gehring
Swantje Amelung
Dr. Ursula Baltz-Otto
Viola Gabor
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Groezinger
Pfr. Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Hartlieb
#BettinaHertel, Herausgeberin - D.Sölle Texten
Hinrich Kley-Olsen
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Marcel Martin
Ekkehard Rössle
#tagung #prasentveranstaltung #badboll #impulse #christentum #bettinahertel #religion #kirche #theologie #dorotheesolle
This gave me a good warm chuckle...
"I had a wonderful argument recently with my husband about reason and faith. There had been a series of sermons in the university chapel about that subject. He had entitled his first sermon "Reason Cleanses Faith." Somewhat puzzled by that title, I asked whether faith had spilled something on itself. That it had done so, indeed, and still does so without letup is really no point of dispute between him and me. So he invented a different title for me: "Faith Heals Reason It does seem to me, really, that reason and science are rather sick today."
#DorotheeSölle "The Gurarantor of Poor Peoples's Rights" in #SarahPinnock's "The Theology of Dorothe Soelle" p. 27
“Her word to us is: Everything carries on. Love carries on, praying and doing justice carry on. Bread is still baked. Children are conceived and born. The grain of wheat will fall into the soil and grow in the field, and in the heart of humans. We shall carry on reading Dorothee’s books and she will carry on speaking to us. She has passed the torch to us: We must love and work for the reign of God and its justice. We shall find our own ways of keeping that word.” p. xi
#dorotheesolle #funeral #sermon
"Dear family, this death touches your personal life deeply, as it does the lives of the broad community that Dorothee gathered around her. People cry on the telephone as if they suffered personally."
Even 20 years later some of us *clears throat* still cry over her death
The quote is from the "Funeral Sermon" at Sölle's funeral on May 5, 2003. Sermon given by The Right Reverend Baerbel von Wartenberg-Potter, Bishop of Nordelbien
#dorotheesolle #funeral #sermon