I just watched #SeeHowTheyRun on #HBOMax, a more old-fashioned (and very silly fun) version of an #AgathaChristie story than the #KnivesOut series, and was completely distracted by how much #SaoirseRonan looks like #DorothyAtkinson, at least in facial structure.
I only know Dorothy from #Pennyworth, in which she's very good, and Saoirse from #Atonement and #LovelyBones, plus this now, so the physical resemblance surprised me.
And yes, I have a crush on Dorothy, which is why I noticed.
#lovelybones #atonement #pennyworth #dorothyatkinson #saoirseronan #knivesout #agathachristie #hbomax #SeeHowTheyRun