#Filmfest 908 #Cinema #Filmnoir #Film #Movies #MovingPicture #USA1954 #Pushover #FredMacMurray #KimNovak #DorothyMalone
Pushover (USA 1954) #Filmfest 908
#filmfest #cinema #filmnoir #film #movies #movingpicture #usa1954 #pushover #fredmacmurray #kimnovak #dorothymalone
74 years ago:
Colorado Territory (US)
In Colorado territory, outlaw Wes McQueen escapes jail to pull a railroad robbery but, upon meeting pretty settler Julie Ann, he wonders about going straight. Western remake of High Sierra with Joel McCrea taking over the Humphrey Bogart role.
#ColoradoTerritory #RaoulWalsh #JoelMcCrea #VirginiaMayo #DorothyMalone #Western #Movies
#coloradoterritory #raoulwalsh #joelmccrea #virginiamayo #dorothymalone #western #movies
55 years ago today:
Peyton Place
S4E59: pp-427
Airdate: 1968-05-02
#PeytonPlace #DorothyMalone #ABC #Television
#peytonplace #dorothymalone #abc #television
69 years ago:
The Lone Gun (US)
Cruze arrives in town and when he stands up to the three Moran brothers, he gets appointed Marshal. First the brothers kill a rancher while framing another man. But when the jailer is murdered, Cruze gets evidence the Morans did it. He tries to raise a posse to chase them down but the townsmen refus...
#TheLoneGun #GeorgeMontgomery #DorothyMalone #FrankFaylen #UnitedArtists #Western #Movies
#thelonegun #georgemontgomery #dorothymalone #frankfaylen #unitedartists #western #movies
65 years ago:
Too Much, Too Soon (US)
The daughter of iconic actor John Barrymore becomes reunited with her father after a ten year estrangement and engages in his self-destructive lifestyle.
#TooMuchTooSoon #DorothyMalone #ErrolFlynn #EfremZimbalistJr #ClassicFilm
#toomuchtoosoon #dorothymalone #errolflynn #efremzimbalistjr #classicfilm
“The party’s next door. And that’s where it’s always been. Next door.”
Dorothy Malone in The Tarnished Angels
#thetarnishedangels #sirk #douglassirk #dorothymalone #pylon #williamfaulkner
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#thetarnishedangels #sirk #douglassirk #dorothymalone #pylon #williamfaulkner #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
69 years ago:
Loophole (US)
Bank teller Mike Donovan (Barry Sullivan) takes the first step on the road to Perdition when he fails to report a $49,000 shortage. Accused of theft, Donovan is fired from his job. He is then prevented from finding other employment by Javert-like insurance investigator Gus Slavin (Charles McGraw). D...
#Loophole #BarrySullivan #DorothyMalone #CharlesMcGraw #ClassicFilm
#loophole #barrysullivan #dorothymalone #charlesmcgraw #classicfilm
On February 15, 1955, The Fast and the Furious debuted in the United States. Here’s some new John Ireland and Dorothy Malone art!
#TheFastAndTheFurious #JohnIreland #RogerCorman #DorothyMalone #BMovies #ExploitationFilm #1950sMovies #CarsploitationFilm #Carsploitation #AmericanInternationalPictures #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thefastandthefurious #johnireland #RogerCorman #dorothymalone #bmovies #exploitationfilm #1950smovies #carsploitationfilm #carsploitation #americaninternationalpictures #art #movieart #moviehistory
The Nevadan (1950) is a very routine western with a predictable plot.
It's redeemed to some extent by fine performances from Randolph Scott, Dorothy Malone and George Macready and by fine action sequences at the start and finish.
It's well-made and looks great, with some lovely location shooting.
My review: https://dfordoom-movieramblings.blogspot.com/2023/02/the-nevadan-1950.html
#classicmovies #classicmovie #westerns #1950smovie #goldenagehollywood #RandolphScott #DorothyMalone #GeorgeMacready
#classicmovies #classicmovie #westerns #1950smovie #goldenagehollywood #randolphscott #dorothymalone #georgemacready
BOTD in 1924, Dorothy Malone, occupying a '55 Caddy convertible. #DorothyMalone #TCMParty #Filmastodon #Cinemastodon #ClassicFilm #Cadillac
#dorothymalone #tcmparty #filmastodon #cinemastodon #classicfilm #cadillac
#HumphreyBogart & #DorothyMalone in
#TheBigSleep (1946) by #HowardHawks.
Script by #WilliamFaulker & LeighBrackett after the novel by #RaymondChandler
#movies #movie #films #film #raymondchandler #williamfaulker #howardhawks #thebigsleep #dorothymalone #humphreybogart
TITLE sequence for the gorgeously shot THE TARNISHED ANGELS (1957). #TheTarnishedAngels #DouglasSirk #RockHudson #RobertStack #DorothyMalone
#thetarnishedangels #douglassirk #rockhudson #robertstack #dorothymalone
TITLE sequence for the gorgeously shot THE TARNISHED ANGELS (1957). #TheTarnishedAngels #DouglasSirk #RockHudson #RobertStack #DorothyMalone
#thetarnishedangels #douglassirk #rockhudson #robertstack #dorothymalone
1956. #douglassirk #writtenonthewind
"If I can say one thing for my pictures, it is a certain craftsmanship. A thought which has gone into every angle. There is nothing there without an optical reason."
Douglas Sirk
Best Actress in a Supporting Role, 1957, Academy Awards: Dorothy Malone
#cinema #movieclassics #dorothymalone #laurenbacall #mustwatch #sirk #usa #germandirector #film #posters #posterart #art
#art #posterart #posters #film #germandirector #USA #sirk #mustwatch #laurenbacall #dorothymalone #movieclassics #cinema #writtenonthewind #DouglasSirk