@shantini You’re going to make me re-read #DorothySayers if we ever happen to meet, aren’t you?
Or at least finish #MargeryAllingham.
#dorothysayers #margeryallingham
@PariMoonForest I hope you enjoy it! Another favourite on my #ChristmasBooks list is “Nine Tailors” by #DorothySayers, a golden age #mystery novel set around a church at Christmas. It’s full of #BellRinging and is very clearly an inspiration for the bell ringers in Doomsday Book. The book has nice comfortable pacing, good characters and lots of nerdery about fen drainage, too.
#christmasbooks #dorothysayers #mystery #bellringing
@CogentHippo RIGHT???
Gaudy Night is my "only book on a desert isle" book. It taught 13 year old me what healthy adult relationships look like. It is a masterpiece of a mystery that didn't require an actual body.
*chef's kiss*
#goldenageofmystery #dorothysayers #gaudynight
I'm reading some #DorothySayers. She's very much like Agatha Christie, but the characters aren't quite as distinct. Still a good read though.
Envie de créer un hashtag #vieillesdamesBritish ici pour partager un peu d’arsenic, vieilles dentelles et vieux whiskies #oldladies #DowagerCountess #OlennaTyrell #missMarple #JaneAusten #RuthRendell #agathachristie #DorothySayers
#dorothysayers #agathachristie #ruthrendell #janeausten #missmarple #olennatyrell #dowagercountess #oldladies #vieillesdamesbritish
“#Man is never truly himself except when he is actively #creating something.”
— #DorothySayers, #English #mysterywriter & #apologist, born in #Oxford, #England
#man #creating #dorothysayers #english #mysterywriter #apologist #oxford #england