Of course, it’s also possible that the answer is mere #negligence. But for all the #dysfunction of #Twitter in the #Dorsey days, at least back then the site had rules for it to fail to follow. All evidence suggests that #X in the #ElonMusk days is run mostly by its owner’s whim. And the renovated firm appears, unlike its former incarnation, to be accepting most every request from most every country to turn over #user #data.
#negligence #dysfunction #twitter #dorsey #x #elonmusk #user #data
Hey @davekarpf, you're a clueful kind of guy, so I'm curious about your positive feelings about #Bluesky.
It seems pretty clear that #Dorsey isn't much better than #Musk, he's just a bit less obvious about it.
There doesn't seem to be any particular reason to believe that Dorsey's new commercial SM platform will end up any less enshittified than #Twitter did.
Do you see things differently, or do you just figure you'll use Bluesky while you can and then once again move on to the next one?
#bluesky #dorsey #musk #Twitter
@farhanasultana thanks for letting us know, + interesting to know many academics are on #bluesky. Weird though, you'd assume #academics are the most rational people and yet they keep behaving the same way, hoping for a different outcome. ##Dorsey sold you once without a second thought and will do it again. It'll soon be too late to talk the knife out of his hands.
Yo es que si antes de las 6:00 AM no he hecho un #meme no soy persona.
tagged on #RedesSociales
#meme #musk #zuckerberg #dorsey #redessociales
UA: Опа, а це цікаво. Думаю чи треба розказати цю погану новину для фанів #Блускай ?
EN: Oh, that's interesting. I'm thinking do I need to say that bad news for #Bluesky fans?
Джерело/Source: https://variety.com/2023/digital/news/elon-musk-x-twitter-block-feature-delete-1235699759/amp/
#блускай #bluesky #Твіттер #маск #дорсі #twitter #musk #dorsey
Han tror kemikalier i dricksvattnet orsakar könsdysfori, att covid-19 är designat att skona kineser och ashkenaziska judar, är antivaxxer, och endorsas av Jack #Dorsey som ligger bakom #Twitter och #Bluesky. https://officiell-info.se/@svtnyheter/110820279844142900
Similar to #Meta having no incentive to upgrade #Threads to #ActivityPub, #Bluesky will have no incentive to eventually upgrade to #Web5.
If they don't do it initially, they won't do an entire rewrite of such systems later. So just assume #Web5 and Bluesky to be dead before they were even created.
If Bluesky had any chance of success, it would have received the same response as Threads in the first few days. Their first mistake was with the soft launch.
With Threads, you had influencers racing to become the largest accounts before others arrived. This made people rush to it, similar to #Tiktok. Bluesky ruined any chance of this happening by restricting the audience of such accounts.
#meta #threads #activitypub #bluesky #web5 #tiktok #Twitter #dorsey
How many times does this man have to tell you that he's building #Bluesky AT Protocol to help his bro Musk & their joint investment, #Twitter?
Where #Dorsey is one of the biggest stakeholders, at $1 billion.
Bluesky refuses to reveal who owns the company & its IT. But Bluesky the app is a complete clone of Twitter yet it's the only one Musk has never attacked.
The Colorado supermax prison that has been home to ragged recluse philosophically kooky Ted Kaczynski since 1998 misses him so much that the dept of correction has reached out to Jack #Dorsey to replace him mondays through fridays.
Yeah. So over these terrible people.
Jack is spending his time openly embracing twitter while blabbing about open source on Elon's burning platform.
#Musk #Dorsey #Zuckerberg
Bei der Frage, ob man jetzt zu #musk, #zuckerberg oder #dorsey gehen muss fällt mir Douglas Adams ein: Man wählt halt immer die Eidechse, bevor nachher noch die falsche Eidechse an die Macht kommt.
Die Option "keine Eidechse" ist wohl zu abwegig.
Yea. So much for BlueSky. Is there anyone else besides me who is sick and tired of being ruled by psychopathic billionaires?
xero@zord.works - Ex-Twitter leader Jack #Dorsey endorses RFK Jr. for president
That's all I need to know about that dude and his #bluesky thing.
Blocking the #Jack #Dorsey #bootlickers as they appear. You want to go to #Bluesky, go right ahead. If you haven’t learned from recent history however, pretty much nothing can help ya. Jumping right back into the snakes mouth would not be my choice.
#bluesky #Bootlickers #dorsey #jack
I find the “digital commons” and related metaphors to be poor ones when thinking about moderation on social networks. Analog concepts do not fit digital information transmission systems. Harassment and misinformation spread happen very differently digitally than they do in the analog world. “Digital commons”and “free speech” hardliners like #Dorsey and #Musk simply don’t want to go through the hassle of developing, funding, and creating policy for online speech moderation.
#dorsey #musk #bluesky #Twitter
Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey kicked up a storm last week by claiming that the social media firm faced shut down threats in India from the Modi government.
#ElonMusk #Dorsey #India #Twitter
#ElonMusk #dorsey #india #twitter
Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Backs Bitcoin Nonprofit Brink with $5 Million Investment – What Does it Do? - Circle’s founder Jack Dorsey has decided to inject some $5 million into Bitcoin non-profi... - https://cryptonews.com/news/twitter-founder-jack-dorsey-backs-bitcoin-nonprofit-brink-with-5-million-investment-what-does-it-do.htm #bitcoinnews #dorsey #brink
Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Sanjay Raut on Tuesday hit out at the central government over former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's claims on farmers' protest.
#SanjayRaut #Centre #Dorsey
Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar said that the allegations was an 'outright lie' be Jack Dorsey - perhaps an attempt to brush out that very dubious period of Twitter's history.
#Dorsey #Twitter