"Elon is our number one user. He's our number one customer," Dorsey said in the interview. "He understood the platform deeply, and he's a technologist and he builds technology."
So the Edgelord that discovered:
* switching between AI or chronological feed WEEKS later
* Client tagging WEEKS late
* post views MONTHS late
* realized he fired too many core-technology engineers MONTHS late
Bluesky Has the Juice, A.I. Jobs Apocalypse and Hard Questions - Is Bluesky the long-awaited heir to Twitter? - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/05/podcasts/hard-fork-bluesky-ai-jobs.html #internationalbusinessmachinescorporation #bluesky(socialnetwork) #artificialintelligence #scienceandtechnology #dorseyjack #chegginc #twitter
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Jack Dorsey Takes Aim at Elon Musk and Twitter on New Platform - The Twitter co-founder has posted prolifically on two new social networks, Nostr and Blue... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/03/technology/dorsey-musk-twitter-bluesky-nostr.html #bluesky(socialmediaplatform) #computersandtheinternet #nostr(socialnetwork) #socialmedia #dorseyjack #muskelon #twitter
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Jack Dorsey Has a Lot to Say, Including About Elon Musk and Twitter - The Twitter co-founder has posted prolifically on two new social networks, Nostr and Blue... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/03/technology/dorsey-musk-twitter.html #mergersacquisitionsanddivestitures #bluesky(socialmediaplatform) #computersandtheinternet #socialmedia #dorseyjack #muskelon #twitter #nostr
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What Is Bluesky and Why Are People Clamoring to Join It? - Some Twitter users are rushing to join Bluesky, a social platform funded by Jack Dorsey, ... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/28/technology/what-is-bluesky.html #computersandtheinternet #mobileapplications #socialmedia #dorseyjack #muskelon #twitter
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What Was Twitter, Anyway? - Whether the platform is dying or not, it’s time to reckon with how exactly it broke our b... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/18/magazine/twitter-dying.html #mobileapplications #socialmedia #dorseyjack #muskelon #twitter
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Short Seller Accuses Jack Dorsey’s Block of Facilitating Fraud - Shares of the financial tech company plunged after Hindenburg Research said it had failed... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/23/business/dealbook/hindenburg-block-jack-dorsey.html #mobilecommerceandpayments #hindenburgresearch #cashapp(mobileapp) #fraudsandswindling #tidal(aspiroab) #shortselling #block(org) #dorseyjack #squareinc
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Elon Musk Is Tweeting Through a Tide of Criticism - The new owner of Twitter has embarked on a tweeting spree to push back, spar and justify ... - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/07/technology/elon-musk-twitter-spree.html #corporatesocialresponsibility #computersandtheinternet #rumorsandmisinformation #midtermelections(2022) #griffinkathy #socialmedia #dorseyjack #boycotts #muskelon #twitter
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