Found this old gem of a game to play today, was not disappointed:
damn, this one hits home!
Boxer App - Playing DOS games on M1/2 MacOS
Super excited to discover that, not only did somebody make a 64-bit fork of the Boxer DosBox wrapper for MacOS 3 Years Ago, even better, an M1/2 chip compatible version is available too!
Boxer App Fork
Kotaku: Fan Painstakingly Ports WipeOut, Dares PlayStation To Shut Him Down And Make Its Own Remaster #gaming #tech #kotaku #homevideogameconsoles #dominicszablewski #windowsgames #playstation #psygnosis #dosgames #wipeout
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #homevideogameconsoles #dominicszablewski #windowsgames #playstation #psygnosis #dosgames #Wipeout
When #Doom guy orders Taco Bell.
#retrocomputing #retrogaming #dosgaming #dosgames #IDSoftware
#doom #retrocomputing #retrogaming #dosgaming #dosgames #idsoftware
Turns out trying to figure out how to get GZDoom and ZDl working with all the mods and wads I have is too much for me.
I'm officially old. #dosgames #sourceports #DOOM #toooldforthisshit
#dosgames #sourceports #doom #toooldforthisshit
Kotaku: Street Fighter 6 Cheat Turns Commentators Into Animals #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #videogamesequels #takayukinakayama #streetfighterii #streetfighter6 #streetfighter #fightinggames #windowsgames #dosgames #rashid #capcom #ken #ryu
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #videogamesequels #takayukinakayama #streetfighterii #streetfighter6 #streetfighter #fightinggames #windowsgames #dosgames #rashid #capcom #ken #ryu
DOOM (1993)
The fabled full version mail order diskettes. I only had the shareware. 🥲
#doom #retrocomputing #retrogaming #90s #nostalgia #dosgaming #dosgames
#doom #retrocomputing #retrogaming #90s #nostalgia #dosgaming #dosgames
@Papik @sesivany
Same here! #Xcom 1 had a better atmosphere because the scenery was more dynamic, not just underwater like part 2. But both games were/are brilliant, Xcom 1 broke my record in PC playing, it was during one weekend when I played for a whole day until 1 AM, I was completely hooked up. For me it's probably the best strategy game ever created.
#retrogaming #DOSgames
Kotaku: Double Dragon Roguelite Is A Messy Blast From The Past #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #sidescrollingvideogames #zxspectrumgames #doubledragon #technosjapan #dosgames #beatemup #billlee #dragon #double #gaiden #jimmy #regan
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #sidescrollingvideogames #zxspectrumgames #doubledragon #technosjapan #dosgames #beatemup #billlee #dragon #double #gaiden #jimmy #regan
We're 98% funded with only 3 days to go. Fingers crossed we get past that last little threshold!
FYI, there are only 14 copies of this colored vinyl variant left. We're only making 40 copies of it in total, and they will NOT be available after the campaign! So if you want some colored vinyl soup on your turntable, you have 3 days to get it... or it's gone forever!
#industrialrock #vgmvinyl #videogamemusic #retrogaming #The7thGuest #The11thHour #DOSgames #fmvgames
#industrialrock #vgmvinyl #videogamemusic #RetroGaming #the7thguest #the11thhour #dosgames #fmvgames
Our 7th Guest album is 76% funded. So that's a little over three quarters of the way... with just 12 days to go? 😬 Tense...
Maybe you would like some chill music to calm your nerves? (Or ours.) We just posted two new album previews on Kickstarter:
#The7thGuest #RetroGaming #FMVgames #DOSgaming #DOSgames #vgmvinyl #vinyl
#the7thguest #RetroGaming #fmvgames #dosgaming #dosgames #vgmvinyl #vinyl
Kotaku: One Of The Most Important Games Ever Gets The Release It Deserves 40 Years Later #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #videogamepublishers #technologyinternet #goldmasterseries #zxspectrumgames #princeofpersia #digitaleclipse #jordanmechner #windowsgames #chriskohler #adventure #karateka #nintendo #dosgames #francis #atari50 #mariko #atari
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #videogamepublishers #technologyinternet #goldmasterseries #zxspectrumgames #princeofpersia #digitaleclipse #jordanmechner #windowsgames #chriskohler #adventure #Karateka #nintendo #dosgames #francis #atari50 #mariko #atari
Finished the first episode of Duke Nukem II! Looking forward to the other episodes! So far this has been perfect on Steam Deck. I'll probably give it a thumbs up after I finish the other episodes.
#Gaming #PCGaming #VideoGames #Retro #RetroGames #RetroGaming #ShareYourGames #MastodonGaming #DukeNukemII #DukeNukem #DOSBox #DOSGames #DOSGaming
#dosgaming #dosgames #dosbox #dukenukem #dukenukemii #mastodongaming #shareyourgames #retrogaming #retrogames #retro #videogames #pcgaming #gaming
Another game that feels right at home on Steam Deck! Forgot how annoying those damned spiders are...
#Gaming #PCGaming #VideoGames #DOSGames #DOSBox #Retro #RetroGames #RetroGaming #SteamDeck #DukeNukemII #DukeNukem #ShareYourGames #MastodonGaming
#mastodongaming #shareyourgames #dukenukem #dukenukemii #SteamDeck #retrogaming #retrogames #retro #dosbox #dosgames #videogames #pcgaming #gaming
Kotaku: 9 Street Fighter 6 Settings To Tweak Before You Start Throwing Hands #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #superstreetfighteriiturbo #zxspectrumgames #streetfighter6 #streetfighter #fightinggames #fightinggame #mythopoeia #nintendods #dosgames #capcom #luke #ryu
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #superstreetfighteriiturbo #zxspectrumgames #streetfighter6 #streetfighter #fightinggames #fightinggame #mythopoeia #nintendods #dosgames #capcom #luke #ryu
@gamingonlinux Also one's "favourite" anything definitely relies on subjective assumptions, so counter-answering this is nonsense :) Besides, did you ask any question 😛 ? Anyway, The Secret of Monkey Island. #adventuregame #adventuregames #dosgames #retrogaming #pointandclick
#pointandclick #retrogaming #dosgames #adventuregames #adventuregame
We kinda forgot we made this video for our tune "Fill Can Tissue," which uses samples from the 1993 game MegaRace by Cryo.
#RetroGaming #dosgames #industrialmusic #synthwave
Hello there! We're Error 47, an #industrialrock band that specializes in reimagined soundtracks from #retrogames, particularly the PC DOS era.
We've previously done records of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers and Duke Nukem 3D. Check them out:
We're currently crowdfunding a massive 4xLP of reimagined music from The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour:
Happy to be here!
#industrialrock #retrogames #introduction #vgmvinyl #gamemusic #remixes #dosgames
Kotaku: Hell Yeah, Mortal Kombat 1 Makes It Easy To Do Fatalities #gaming #tech #kotaku #ultimatemortalkombat3 #videogamesequels #fightinggames #mortalkombat #windowsgames #johnnycage #dosgames #fatality #liukang #kunglao #raiden #kabal #kano
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #ultimatemortalkombat3 #videogamesequels #fightinggames #mortalkombat #windowsgames #johnnycage #dosgames #fatality #liukang #kunglao #raiden #kabal #kano
Thunderbyte Antivirus. The only time I caught a computer virus, I removed it with this. The virus was Natas/DOS.
I never hear about this nowadays, everybody talks about McAfee's Scan instead. It was popular in my hometown as a local BBS (Kanopus) was a distributor and they advertised it on their board. So I used the shareware version and it was able to remove that virus, which McAfee couldn't do.