Mirthless End · @endlessmirth
18 followers · 263 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

Misplaced: why do disguise real locations? (2015)

"...apart from the forewent, for the most part, the fictitious place. ’s Dublin, ’s St Petersburg, ’s Vienna, ’s Berlin, ’s Manhattan, Céline’s Paris, ’s were almost overwhelmingly realistic. Was this a reaction to the quaintness of Little Baddington, Glimmerglass Lake, Dotheboys Hall, Pemberley, Tillietudlem and Langdirdum?"


#novelists #faulkner #modernist #novel #joyce #bely #musil #doblin #dospassos #Woolf #london #books

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1847 followers · 3921 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History August 19, 1916: Strikebreakers attacked and beat picketing IWW strikers in Everett, Washington. The police refused to intervene, claiming it was federal jurisdiction. However, when the strikers retaliated, they arrested the strikers. Vigilante attacks on IWW picketers and speakers escalated and continued for months. In October, vigilantes forced many of the strikers to run a gauntlet, violently beating them in the process. The brutality culminated in the Everett massacre on November 5, when Wobblies (IWW members) sailed over from Seattle to support the strikers. The sheriff called out to them as they docked, “Who is your leader?” And the Wobblies yelled back, “We all are!” The sheriff told them they couldn’t dock. One of the Wobblies said, “Like hell we can’t!” And then a mob of over 200 vigilantes opened fire on them. As a result, seven died and 50 were wounded. John Dos Passos portrays these events in his USA Trilogy.


#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #union #strike #washington #vigilante #massacre #policebrutality #police #fiction #historicalfiction #novel #writer #books #author #dospassos

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
870 followers · 1534 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History March 5, 1917: Members of the IWW went on trial in Everett, Washington for the Everett Massacre, which occurred on November 5, 1916. In reality, they were the victims of an assault by a mob of drunken, vigilantes, led by Sheriff McRae. The IWW members had come to support the 5-month long strike by shingle workers. When their boat, the Verona, arrived, the Sheriff asked who their leader was. They replied, “We are all leaders.” Then the vigilantes began firing at their boat. They killed 12 IWW members and 2 of their own, who they accidentally shot in the back. Before the killings, 40 IWW street speakers had been taken by deputies to Beverly Park, where they were brutally beaten and run out of town. In his “USA” trilogy, John Dos Passos mentions Everett as “no place for the working man.” And Jack Kerouac references the Everett Massacre in his novel, “Dharma Bums.”


#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #everett #massacre #policebrutality #vigilante #strike #freespeech #Kerouac #dospassos #hisfic #novel #Literature

Last updated 1 year ago