Just saw this on the Mastodon website, and #Macstodon is there along with #DOStodon!
There's a whole third-party apps category for retro computing.
Now only if I had the skill to make a client for older iOS versions like iOS 6 and below...
#Retro #RetroComputing #Mastodon #Fediverse #ThirdPartyApps #VintageTech #TechNostalgia
#technostalgia #vintagetech #thirdpartyapps #fediverse #mastodon #retrocomputing #retro #dostodon #macstodon
The existence of #DOStodon is interesting enough; i got intrigued for seeing the screenshots and noticing it is a graphical client (I'd expect a just-for-the-lols client to be textual).
And the kicker: it's written in JavaScript! Yes, someone figured out a way to write DOS apps in JavaScript. And I can't say it makes less sense than things like [Turbo] Pascal that we used back then.
Check the screenshots, it's quite impressive: https://github.com/SuperIlu/DOjS
Wait, this actually works? YAY!!! Although it took several hours worth of troubleshooting and trial-and-error with various parameter switches, this foxyloon successfully got #DOStodon up and running!
I'm literally tooting this from an old Pentium MMX 200 machine with a modest 32MB of RAM, running MS DOS 6.22! Although it isn't practical, as the home page takes well over 20 seconds to load, DOStodon is surprisingly functional, considering it's running on a machine from the mid 90s! Hehehe~ =^w^=
Look, #DOStodon makes me hard. I don't even have a retro computer that runs DOS. However, this backward compatible design is something you won't find in centralized and corporate entities. It doesn't sell more and make a profit to be sustainable.
Okay, I need to go get some ice water, how am I going to walk with this thing?
You can now post JPEG and PNG images using #DOStodon. There even is a graphical file selector with image preview!
Posting App: DOStodon
Test: Posting from an emulated client
Media Type: #Text
My Saturday morning fun was getting #DOStodon by @dec_hl installed and running. I'm posting this from an M1 iMac with a DOSBox emulator, running a Mastodon client written in javascript. :)
Check it out!
#dos #retrocomputing Say I want to get into DOS shenanagisn. Not DOSbox. DOS.
Good strarting points on resources to read up on? Videos? Articles? Jumping off point on hardware for more than just retro gaming. Such as something to run
#dostodon #retrocomputing #dos
@JamesTDG @billgoats Not only does #DOStodon exist, but it's the most fully featured of all the retro clients! It's made by the amazingly talented @dec_hl 😁
Get it here: https://github.com/SuperIlu/DOStodon
I continued working on the #Linux port of #DOjS. I implemented my own #CONIO, based on #Allegro and now the editor works...
I think that answers my question about the future of the port.
Next I'll check how I will integrate it into the next #DOjS release...
#DOStodon #Javascript #RetroComputing #MSDOS #CreativeCoding
#linux #DOjS #conio #allegro #dostodon #javascript #retrocomputing #msdos #creativecoding
I just released v1.10.0 of #DOjS on http://github.com/SuperIlu/DOjS.
This is the release #DOStodon is based upon!
See thread below for release details!
#MSDOS #DOSGaming #retrocomputing #JavaScript #FreeDOS #creativecoding #p5js #retrodev #retrodevelopment #3dfx #OpenGL
#DOjS #dostodon #msdos #dosgaming #retrocomputing #javascript #freedos #creativecoding #p5js #retrodev #retrodevelopment #3dfx #opengl
#DOStodon is featured at about minute 40 of "The retro hour". 😋
Spent another day on #DOStodon. So, even at the risk of boring you to death:
Profile view now shows the header image as well
You can toot to the profile owner now by pressing `T`
DOStodon now returns to the calling screen after replying to a toot
CTRL-P in the editor lets you search for an account
Added "reply" marker `<`
Improved thread view and search dialog
#RetroComputing #MSDOS #Mastodon #JavaScript #DOjS
Up for grabs here:
#dostodon #retrocomputing #msdos #mastodon #javascript #DOjS