TIL: VB.Net will compile if you misspelled the variable you return. It seemingly assumes you want to return a null as a new variable. No errors, no warnings. #dotNET #visualbasic
Маємо компонент, який малює 3D тіла на сервері й у режимі реального часу транлює на клієнт. Треба було розібратися у протоколі (через websocket) для взаємодії. Взаємодію реалізовано через засіб wslink. Там є приклад сервера на python та клієнт на JS та С++. Readme не дуже. Треба було цілий день колупатися щоб розібратися як це добро запускати, на яких версія Python і з якими аргументами. Розібрався і зміг на C# реалізувати з'єднання. Взагалі я #dotnet розробник)
Diesen Freitagabend um 20:30 Uhr bin ich bei Gregor Biswangers "Coding Zone" eingeladen, und spreche über Fehlerbehandlung #dotnet #ddd #functionalprogramming
Jeder ist eingeladen!
#dotNET #DDD #functionalprogramming
RT realDotNetDave: #dotnet devs in #Sweeden, the 3rd edition of Rock Your Code: Code & App Performance book is out! Data and advice in this book are from over 6K benchmark tests. There are hundreds of tips, especially for collections!
#dotNET #sweeden #mvpbuzz #codeperformance #dotnetdave
Today Roji released #Npgsql 8.0.0-preview.1.
At the moment there are not many visible features added but Nikita, Nino and also Shay have have been hacking away with native AOT and reducing Npgsql's binary size, so if you're using AOT and care about binary size, it's prbably worth to have some initial look at it and give feedback.
@billseipel Additional resources:
An Introduction to System.Threading.Channels:
Using Channels In C# .NET – Part 1 – Getting Started (this is part of a three-part-series):
C# Channels - Publish / Subscribe Workflows:
#asyncprogramming #async #channel #concurrency #dotNET
@billseipel Yeah, interesting question. 🤔
Have you heard of producer/consumer pattern with channels?
It's a very powerful way to structure your concurrent program.
The twist is, that you would process each result as it becomes available. Of course you still have the ability to wait until _all results_ are available (by storing each result in a collection on the consumer side).
See the following playground for an example:
For further resources see part 2
How To Install Microsoft .NET Core SDK On Linux #Dotnet #NET #SDK #SoftwareDevelopmentKit #Programming #Opensource #Linux #Windows #Macos
#macOS #Windows #Linux #OpenSource #programming #softwaredevelopmentkit #sdk #net #dotNET
Today Roji released #Npgsql 7.0.1 and 6.0.8.
Both are minor bugfix released that shouldn't introduce any breaking changes and only fix a few bugs.
There's nothing in there, that I'd consider a big deal but if you're using Npgsql to connect your #dotNET application to #PostgreSQL and are hit by one of the bugs we've fixed, you might disagree and may want to upgrade your NuGet references.
See here for the fixed issues:
• https://github.com/Npgsql/Npgsql/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A7.0.1
• https://github.com/Npgsql/Npgsql/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A6.0.8
You asked for non-jvm #ApacheKafka content, and @bbejeck delivered!
See how to create a streaming application using #dotnet and the Task Parallel Library.
Hello! It's Monday already! Here are a few of my #readingnotes which kept my interest recently https://c5m.ca/RN-532 about #cloud #container #dotnet #iot & more
#readingnotes #cloud #container #dotNET #iot
Come on #dotNET people in the #Fediverse, I know you care :boost_requested:
Hi #dotNET folks,
yesterday, Roji released #Npgsql 7.0 the .NET data provider for #PostgreSQL that targets .NET 7.0 and #NpgsqlEFCorePG the corresponding #EFCore provider.
Please check out the release notes at https://www.npgsql.org/doc/release-notes/7.0.html and https://www.npgsql.org/efcore/release-notes/7.0.html for new features and breaking changes.
There's a lot of cool new stuff to try out!
#EFCore #NpgsqlEFCorePG #PostgreSQL #Npgsql #dotNET
RT @ajcvickers@twitter.com
Tomorrow on #dotnetconf2022, @shayrojansky@twitter.com and I take a WebAPI on .NET Framework 4.8 with EF6.4.4 and update it to .NET 7 with EF Core 7.
Want to guess how much faster it will be at each step?
Find out Thursday at 9:30AM Pacific! #DotNet #EntityFramework https://youtu.be/ET3wMMEt76I
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ajcvickers/status/1590397834205212673
#entityframework #dotNET #dotnetconf2022
RT @DaveCallanIE@twitter.com
Entity Framework 7 now on NuGet ❤❤❤.
Congrats to @ajcvickers@twitter.com @shayrojansky@twitter.com and all the team.
#efcore #entityframework #dotnet #dotnetconf
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DaveCallanIE/status/1589976012796088321
#dotNETConf #dotNET #entityframework #EFCore
Visual Studio 2022 17.4 is now GA.
17.5 Preview 1 is also out now.