@doot @neil @Crell

It is impossible to use Tor in to access and . If you try to visit humanservices.gov.au via you will see how bad the situation is.

People are going without basic social benefits.


#australia #socialsecurity #medicare #torbrowser #HumanServices #ImprisonList #akamai #dotconned

Last updated 1 year ago

If everyone joins from a chosen list of servers as directed by , we are back at square one.

We strongly suggest moving to a genuinely internet also, is where everyone freely gets as many domains as they need to host whatever.

It even has built-in !

Domain names might be ugly and a bunch of semi-random numbers and letters, but they are functional.

Can we as a stop being for good.

#fediverse #joinmastodon #decentralised #i2p #TheInternet #anonymity #humanity #dotconned #cartels #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago