
Last updated 1 year ago

Jay Reding πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ · @jayreding
400 followers · 1047 posts · Server mastodon.world

This is a great piece on "conlangs" - constructed languages today mainly used to make TV shows and movies feel more realistic. I've always found the idea of constructing an entire language to be very intriguing - the amount of work and thought that goes into such a project is daunting. Conlangs can flesh out fictional worlds just as much as CGI landscapes.


#conlangs #avatar #startrek #klingon #navi #dothraki #elvish

Last updated 2 years ago

mariah · @mariah
452 followers · 130 posts · Server data-folks.masto.host

‼️Ling nerd alert: famed language creator(s) of fantasy and scifi shows and movies like and Dune are cohosting an event with the CEO of a langtech company from portugal that I've been following for... 10 years??

I tried to work there like ..3 times? and seriously contemplated moving to Lisbon once before my mom got sick and it never worked out.

I'm fangirl-ing on so many levels right now. Never been more excited for a 4 hour mini conference that starts at 5AM.

#got #ling #fantasy #dothraki

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @NoContextBrits@twitter.com

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Last updated 2 years ago