Blazor in .NET 8: Server-side and Streaming Rendering
Holy moly!
647,000+ downloads of my #NuGet package which adds #owasp recommended security headers to #dotnet powered #aspDotNetCore applications.
I'm genuinely humbled.
I'm also planning on doing a little work on it this week, live on stream.
I'll be taking support away for #dotNetFramework ahead of #dotnet8's release. But don't worry, version 7.5 (current latest) will still work with .NET Framework.
#nuget #owasp #dotnet #aspdotnetcore #DotNetFramework #dotnet8
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest updates in #dotnet: TimeProvider & ITimer in #dotnet8 Preview 4, universal time abstractions for #DependencyInjection & #UnitTesting.
Dive deeper into the topic with this enlightening #InfoQ article by Artur Ampilogov:
#dotnet #dotnet8 #dependencyinjection #UnitTesting #infoq #softwaredevelopment #microsoft
Announcing .NET 8 Preview 1 #dotnet #dotnet8
We‘ve had immutable collections in #dotnet since forever and read only collections even longer.
.NET 8 will give us frozen collections.☃️
@Nightz12 Although note that if you _do_ upgrade from #dotnet6, the LTS version, to #dotnet7, you will face an end-of-support date six months earlier than if you'd left it alone: May 2024 versus the v6 date of November 2024 (
I'm absolutely not saying "don't upgrade," but be sure you're in an organization that will be able to find budget for a #dotnet8 upgrade in the Nov-23 to May-24 six-month window.
It is interesting to see the table of installers in the GitHub repository for the .NET installer:
Hmmmm, "version 8.0.100-alpha.1.22558.2" and "version 7.0.200-preview.22557.7" 😜
#dotnet #dotnet7 #dotnet8 #dotnetconf
I have updated the diagrams to add my predictions for .NET 8 and .NET 9. My assumption is that the .NET team somewhat regret scheduling .NET Conf 2022 for US Election Day this year. Election Day 2024 is November 5, 2024. Hence why .NET Conf 2024 will be the following week and .NET 9 will launch on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. #dotnet #dotnet8 #dotnet9 #dotnetconf
#dotnet #dotnet8 #dotnet9 #dotnetconf