How to Cool an Object Without Using Any Energy - It seems impossible, but there’s a way to cool things off without tapping into a fuel sou... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
When You Drop a Rock Overboard, What Happens to the Water Level? - In the physics of water displacement, the answer isn’t always intuitive. - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
Wired: When You Drop a Rock Overboard, What Happens to the Water Level? #Science/PhysicsandMath #DotPhysics #Science #density #physics #Forces
#science #dotphysics #density #physics #forces
OK Surfers, How Much Would It Cost to Power Your Own Wave? - How much energy would it take to fuel a wave that you can shred like Kelly Slater? Here’s... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
All the Ways to Slow a Car (Even Some Bad Ways) - Electric vehicles are increasingly popular, so it’s time to talk about regenerative braki... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
Can You Strike Out a Major League Baseball Player by Pitching Super Slow? - The best pitchers in baseball are known for their speed. But if you don’t have a fast arm... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
Let’s Make a Deal—With Python! - The "Monty Hall problem" is a classic example of how games of chance can have surprising ... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
The Physics of ‘Sniping’ for Gold - Before you go prospecting in the nearest river, here’s the science of what separates the ... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
The Physics of Mandalorian Jetpacks (Hint: They Aren’t Jetpacks) - This Star Wars Day, it’s time to figure out how these iconic flying machines work, and if... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
How Much Detail of the Moon Can Your Smartphone Really Capture? - What’s the smallest lunar object a phone camera lens could resolve from Earth? Here’s wha... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
Can You Really Pump Water Without Any Electricity? - To see if those videos of people conjuring liquid without any external power actually hol... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
Pi Is Hiding Everywhere - For Pi Day, let’s track down the surprising spots where this mathematical constant turns ... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
The Secret to Bruce Lee’s Superhuman One-Inch Punch - Martial arts moves can seem magical, but maybe they just display a mastery of physics. - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
What Would Earth’s Temperature Be Like Without an Atmosphere? - If you want to know what the cloud of gas that surrounds the planet is really doing for u... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
You Can Use This Silly Game to Do Some Serious Physics - In this cartoon world built to teach concepts from Randall Munroe’s book What If? 2, you ... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
How to Use Physics to Tell If That Steph Curry Video Is Real - Could the Golden State Warriors legend really sink five full-court shots in a row? Some c... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
How Far Can You Fly a Battery-Powered Jumbo Jet? - The answer explains why electric cars are everywhere, but electric aircraft are still a n... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
The Physics of Scuba Diving - A deep dive into the science of staying alive underwater. - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science
The Problem With Spinning Spacecraft - To send astronauts on long-term space missions, it’ll take rotating habitats to produce a... - #science/physicsandmath #dotphysics #science