Yes, and its #yielding to bigData. We all suffer when they collect shiploads of data in these ways (#SanFran AI company and CloudFlare).
Mastodon works on a browser so even if it were banned, ppl could arguably send their usage data to cloudFlare still.
Could make for a great #doubleBluff, to have an app banned from the appStore but still available from a browser.
@icedquinn @Fjolsvith@freeatlantis.com @curtis @realcaseyrollins @MarshTackyBall
#yielding #sanfran #doubleBluff
Its actually a #doubleBluff. They get free #advertising because they are #Cloudflare. *wink
Its the good people and the realProgressives these #fascists are pitted against. We've been predicting an attack against Chinese ppl since they made a #closedSilo, of themselves. Wonder if the servers are based in the #Philippines like they did for #4Chan and the #ChristchurchMassacre?
#doubleBluff #advertising #cloudflare #fascists #closedSilo #philippines #4chan #ChristchurchMassacre #controlledDemolition #cloudflareIsTheMalware