Thinking about the #TuringTest and the #DoubleEmpathyProblem. The Turing Test (aka Imitation Game) is based on whether a human can tell the difference between a machine pretending to be human and an actual human. But we have never demonstrated that this kind of test is effective, because we don't have AI advanced enough to pass it yet. If we consider the human evaluator may be allistic or may be autistic, and we know there are meaningful differences in the ways those neurotypes communicate, would that affect the evaluation? The effectiveness of the Imitation Game test rests on the assumption that humans can spot imitators, but maybe humans aren't actually very good at that. Perhaps the best test for an AI being a "human-equivalent" intelligence is for another AI to evaluate it, because they're they only ones that can effectively understand each other.
#turingtest #doubleEmpathyProblem
EVERY medical professional needs to be trained in the #DoubleEmpathyProblem and how to communicate with #autistic patients. I'm so damn tired of these commands and demands, when it's always incomplete or incorrect information, and never includes explanation or justification.
#doubleEmpathyProblem #Autistic
@PatternChaser Are you familiar with the #DoubleEmpathyProblem perspective on this? tldr: Neither side is absolutely right or wrong, but each uses a different communication style natural to their neurotype and incompatible with the other's. And the #SocialModelOfDisability explains how that can be disabling for us autistics, as we have to play by society's NT-default rules. Those are my two main concepts for framing this kind of discussion. So I agree but think there's a lot of nuance to keep in mind.
#doubleEmpathyProblem #socialmodelofdisability
I'm trying to put together a short list of the basic concepts that are essential to understanding the #ActuallyAutistic experience of life. These can be helpful for explaining things to allistics/neurotypicals, but also for seeing ourselves from our own perspective instead of how we are failed NTs. I think it's just a few (albeit big) concepts. Here's my basic list:
- #DoubleEmpathyProblem
- #SocialModelOfDisability
- #Monotropism
- #VariableCompetency
#AskingAutistics Do you have your own short list of concepts for understanding or explaining #autism? What are the big ideas that shape your experience of #autistic life?
#actuallyautistic #doubleEmpathyProblem #socialmodelofdisability #Monotropism #variablecompetency #CPTSD #AskingAutistics #autism #Autistic
Schüler erzählt zu Hause „Der Sportlehrer hat mich für Stimming bestraft. Ich musste Situps machen.“
Der Lehrer erzählt im Elterngespräch „Das war keine Strafe, sondern ein Angebot zum Abreagieren.“
#DoubleEmpathyProblem #Autismus
Eskalation war vorprogrammiert, konnte aber durch das Gespräch verhindert werden.
#doubleEmpathyProblem #autismus
The #doubleEmpathyProblem is when you are expected to ruin two psychologist's weeks in a single session, remotely.
Almost everybody understands that it is a strong #neurotypical convention to employ a forced #smile during #photoShoots, but if you are a taxidermist in the middle of the action, consider that you are emitting substantial #serialKiller vibes.
#neurotypical #smile #photoshoots #serialkiller #doubleEmpathyProblem
#Empathy is based on similarity. Autistics and NTs find it hard to empathise with one another because they experience life in fundamentally different ways, one not inherently worse than the other.
That's it. That's the whole #DoubleEmpathyProblem. No opaque academic jargon is needed.
Oh, and Damian Milton didn't invent the idea in 2012. Autistics figured this out in 1992!
Milton coined a catchy term for fame & profit. The people who did the real work are being forgotten.
#doubleEmpathyProblem #empathy
@HLGEM it can be hard work trying to bridge the allistic/autistic communication gap.
Because we are in the neurominority the responsibility for adjusting our communication style usually falls on us.
This explains why we often gravitate towards people of our own neurotype, so we can communicate more freely and less self consciously, without the constant fear of causing offence, being misunderstood, or not being listened to (or heard) at all.
#doubleEmpathyProblem #actuallyautistic #autism
📢 PSA: Dear #allistics, the #doubleEmpathyProblem is NOT the #psychologicalTheory that explains your inconvenience of being twice as #empathic as the average — or even median — person.
#academia #autism #healthCare #monotropism #mythbuster #actuallyAutistic
#psychologicalTheory #actuallyautistic #allistics #doubleEmpathyProblem #empathic #academia #autism #healthcare #mythbuster #Monotropism
Here’s a video from a #tech #conference. From 1:00 onwards you can watch me trying to join a #conversation other participants are engaging in.
#tech #conference #conversation #actuallyautistic #doubleEmpathyProblem
My wife’s sister and her boyfriend were over and we watched a movie from the 60s with some verbal allusions to comedy from the 30s and 40s, like the #MarxBrothers, that I found hilarious, but registered with nobody else.
The biggest problem I have when I communicate with other people is that I write my own lines.
#MarxBrothers #doubleEmpathyProblem
@thehole If you ask an autist a binary question, the odds are that you’ll get a binary answer instead of the counter question(s) you thought you were inviting. 🙄
I thought it was pretty odd that he wanted to know if he had told me, and completely closed down when I confirmed he didn’t, but I respect people’s privacy.
You can read about the #doubleEmpathyProblem if you’re into academic publications 😇
Understanding #autism in a nutshell, the it’s-not-the-90s-anymore edition:
Also, person-first language to address a general audience is insulting and offensive.
For #disability in general, and autism in particular.
When you address an individual and are in doubt, #justAsk.
#autism #Monotropism #doubleEmpathyProblem #neurodiversity #disability #justask #servicetoot