Ich möchte kurz daran erinnern, dass #Bullys nicht auf den Schulhof beschränkt sind, sondern wir finden sie überall in der erwachsenen Gesellschaft.
Wer bei Bullys schweigt, erlaubt #Bullying.
Kinder lernen von Erwachsenen. Sie lernen von ihnen nicht nur, dass und wie Bullying erlaubt ist und funktioniert, sondern auch, dass und wie sie mit Zynismus oder Schweigen Bullying salonfähig zu machen helfen.
Man erkennt Bullys ua. am #DoubleDown.
Whoever is promoting "double down" as a republican campaign strategy is my favorite type moron.
#doubledown #Racism #fascism #homophobia #republicans #election2024
#MikePence is *finally* going to be questioned under oath about the #January6th #FailedCoupAttempt in front of a Grand Jury convened by federal Special Counsel #JackSmith. 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-cant-block-pence-testimony-court_n_6449eb41e4b03c1b88cb30ad
#DonaldTheDeplorable is gonna #DoubleDown on his use of Depends!
#mikepence #January6th #failedcoupattempt #jacksmith #donaldthedeplorable #doubledown #diaperdon
I’m willing to endure salt burns for Diablo 4 beta early access. Bring on the #doubledown!
The #DoubleDown at #KFC is back baby!
Gastric bypass be damned I'm hungry!
It's finally time to start 2023 movie reviews, and what better way to kick off the new year than the entire filmography of the greatest bad filmmaker of our generation, Neil Breen? Today, his notorious 2005 debut "Double Down," which kicked off the five films (and counting!) of this "so bad it's good" writer, director, editor and star. https://boxd.it/3NRxcP
#movie #film #review #NeilBreen #DoubleDown #1StarAndAHeart #SoBadItsGood #MidnightMovies #CultFilms
#sobaditsgood #movie #review #neilbreen #doubledown #1StarAndAHeart #cultfilms #film #midnightmovies
#GeorgeSantos should say that his name is Donald Trump, and just #DoubleDown ! 😂
Here's the text of the billhttps://wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2023/SJ0004
In the wake of the #jan6report expect #DarkMAGA cult members to ‘#DoubleDown ‘ and ‘own the libs’ by buying more #MAGA hats - and #Tesla cars.
Can the #SupplyChain keep up while #COVID spreads across China?
#jan6report #DarkMAGA #doubledown #MAGA #tesla #supplychain #covid
#wtfareyoudoing #turnthatfrowndoubledown #doubledown #meltdown #raspberrypi
Fourth, #doubledown on international #cooperation: global collaboration in #research and innovation, global markets. Funding is one key tool; supportive #trade and #IPR policies another. Much is happening today as innovators and researchers are stepping up. Policymakers should support their work and strengthen enabling frameworks for #netzero #innovation. More in this policy brief: https://lisboncouncil.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/LISBON_COUNCIL_Driving_Innovation_to_Curb_Climate_Change.pdf 4/4
#doubledown #cooperation #research #trade #IPR #netzero #innovation
Nappy Nina // #NappyNina //
Wanted (Official Video)
[album Double Down, 2021]
//via // #LucidHaus //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #MusicVideo #NappyNina #DoubleDown #Wanted #NathanBajar #JWords
link youtube: https://youtu.be/WpNdxvA4t-U
#nappynina #lucidhaus #brandunbrand #youtube #music #musicvideo #doubledown #wanted #nathanbajar #jwords