Speak about #slavery, but drop the euphemisms! TELL THE TRUTH about the kidnapping, human trafficking, raping, torturing, murder, etc. Tell the truth and call USian practices what they actually are! #history #doublespeak #language #whitesupremacy https://www.instagram.com/reel/CudZP9ItDax/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==
#slavery #history #doublespeak #language #whitesupremacy
#July4th #USA #CivilReligion #StolenLand #Slavery #Empire #Imperial #SoCalledIndependenceDay #America #Dogma #Doctrine #Indoctrination #IgnoranceIsStrength #DoubleSpeak
#july4th #usa #civilreligion #stolenland #slavery #empire #imperial #socalledindependenceday #america #dogma #doctrine #indoctrination #ignoranceisstrength #doublespeak
Of ‘sabka saath’ & ‘beti bachao’: The myth and reality in India
'Beti bachao' is not a convincing phrase in the mouths of those who free convicted rapists for coldly-calculated political benefit.
'Sabka Saath' is a lie or a delusion. More likely a lie because exclusion is deliberately perpetrated and institutionalised in the BJP. It has no Muslim MP or MLA but says “sabka saath”. Who is it fooling? asks Aakar Patel.
#BJP #NarendraModi #CommunalViolence #rape #communalism #muslims #christians #minorities #islamophobia #hindutva #HinduMobs #modi #DoubleSpeak #fascism #india
#BJP #narendramodi #communalviolence #rape #Communalism #muslims #christians #minorities #islamophobia #hindutva #hindumobs #modi #doublespeak #fascism #india
#doublespeak and #doublethink are insidious tools employed to take advantage of the masses.
“the great enemy of clear language is insincerity.” -George Orwell
No amount of clever #doublespeak will ever qualify using the #birthcanal as an #executionchamber as being #healthcare! #infanticidematters
#infanticidematters #healthcare #executionchamber #birthcanal #doublespeak
so a association named "moms for liberty" goes to ban books. now i am the last one to hastily put forward #orwell* or #bradbury*, but this is the perfect fusion of book burning and #doublespeak
#florida (where "the west" goes to die) #desantis #conservatives #gop #momsforliberty #annefrank #meme #mamema #memes
*maybe i ll do a meme about this some day
#orwell #bradbury #doublespeak #florida #DeSantis #conservatives #gop #MomsForLiberty #AnneFrank #meme #mamema #memes
@Radical_EgoCom 'Human Resources' is an insidious bit of #doublespeak. 'They' will tell you it means 'resources for humans'. I prefer to interpret the meaning to.be 'humans as resources'.
TIL you can still be an #abolitionist if you don't want to, you know, #abolish
#abolitionist #abolish #doublespeak
Texas today reminds the author of her mom's stories of growing up in communist Romania.
#texas #gop #authoritarianism #doublespeak #medium
Terrorism takes out another Russian nationalist with a big mouth.
Russia blames Ukraine for these attacks, but I suspect it's more likely to be native Russians who have had enough of Putin and his sycophants.
Note that the woman arrested is a known anti-war activist; did she do it? We'll probably never really know for sure.
[the Russian Foreign Ministry paid tribute to a "defender of the truth". "Russian journalists constantly feel the threat of reprisals from the Kyiv regime," said ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. "It is thanks to Russian war correspondents that the world sees the real images of the operations and discovers what is happening in Ukraine".]
That's doublespeak, no?
#russia #ukraine #terrorism #doublespeak
R to @hkdc_us: His “I’m allowed to live my own culture & be patriotic” shtick is #doublespeak. His “patriotism” is loyalty to the #CCP dictatorship that’s cracking down on his “culture” in #HongKong, incl harsh #FilmCensorship. @TheAcademy should stand w/ HK filmmakers, not whitewash repression https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1641897266859462679#m
#doublespeak #ccp #hongkong #filmcensorship
R to @hkdc_us: The #WarIsPeace #Doublespeak duo: Xi’s on a “peace” mission but refuses to acknowledge that Russia’s invaded Ukraine. Russia itself says it’s conducting a “special military operation.” Putin annexed Crimea, occupied Donbas, bombed Syria. Xi repeatedly threatens to invade Taiwan. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1637835871410855938#m
Mean Federal Court Still Won't Let Ron DeSantis Cast Woke Demons Out Of Colleges https://www.wonkette.com/mean-federal-court-still-won-t-let-ron-desantis-cast-woke-demons-out-of-colleges
#Ron_desantis #Stop_woke_act #Florida #Higher_education #Colleges_and_universities #Academic_freedom #11th_us_circuit_court_of_appeals #Judge_mark_walker #Positively_dystopian #George_orwell #Doublespeak #Individual_freedom_act #Florida_hb_7_(22r) #Injunction #Divisive_concepts #White_privilege #Wokeness #Cul
#Cul #wokeness #White_privilege #Divisive_concepts #injunction #Florida_hb_7_ #Individual_freedom_act #doublespeak #George_orwell #Positively_dystopian #Judge_mark_walker #11th_us_circuit_court_of_appeals #Academic_freedom #Colleges_and_universities #higher_education #florida #Stop_woke_act #ron_desantis
"“However, the right to protest must be balanced with preserving the ability of the law-abiding majority to go about their daily business. We must ensure there is a proper balance between the rights of individuals, our vital national security, essential services and effective government.”
They know we're used to interpreting politician-speak, right? Does anyone not read "Thing A that you are asking about must be 'balanced' with things X, Y and Z" as "We don't give a shit about thing A, go away and stop asking, prole"? They might as well have just said "The so-called 'rights' of the little people are unimportant" and had done.
#ukpolitics #civilrights #doublespeak
"“However, the right to protest must be balanced with preserving the ability of the law-abiding majority to go about their daily business. We must ensure there is a proper balance between the rights of individuals, our vital national security, essential services and effective government.”
They know we're used to interpreting politician-speak, right? Does anyone not read "Thing A that you are asking about must be 'balanced' with things X, Y and Z" as "We don't give a shit about thing X, go away and stop asking, prole"? They might as well have just said "The so-called 'rights' of the little people are unimportant" and had done.
#ukpolitics #doublespeak #civilrights
#JoeBiden and #OlafScholz reaffirmed dedication and determination to defeat #Russia via #proxy.
#USA also warned #China not to send lethal weapons to #Moscow
Have you noticed how USA sends 'security assistance', whilst cautioning others not to send 'lethal aid'?
#joebiden #olafscholz #russia #proxy #usa #china #moscow #journalism #doublespeak
“I didn’t try to warn you. I DID warn you.” ~ George Orwell, unheard, but still trying to rub it in, from somewhere out there #Orwell #EricBlair #NineTeenEightyFour #TheParty #GOP #MAGA #StateMedia #FoxNews #Newspeak #DoubleSpeak #MinistryOfTruth #propaganda #misinformation #fascism #authoritarianism #oligarchy #dictatorship #autocracy
#autocracy #dictatorship #oligarchy #authoritarianism #Fascism #misinformation #Propaganda #ministryoftruth #doublespeak #newspeak #foxnews #statemedia #MAGA #gop #TheParty #nineteeneightyfour #ericblair #orwell
“Some officials briefed on the intelligence said that it was relatively weak and that the Energy Department’s conclusion was made with ‘low confidence,’ suggesting its level of certainty was not high. While the department shared the information with other agencies, none of them changed their conclusions, officials said.”
How can it be “highly likely” with “low confidence.” Oxymoron.
#covid #covidorigins #doublespeak
#blinken #doublespeak #journalism #media #bias
Do you folks find it cute? How #West, #USA first and foremost, cautioned #China on delivering '#lethal support' to #Russia.
You see, USA doesn't provide 'lethal support' but 'security assistance'.
#blinken #doublespeak #journalism #media #bias #west #usa #china #lethal #russia