#Lizzo getting sued for the kind of shit white businessmen have been forcing on coworkers since the dawn of commerce
Doesn't make her right, but... #doublestandards
@jokeyrhyme I don't understand why AD&D was removed and every episode of Star Trek featuring Worf's kid wasn't.
Double Standards in Finance: SBF’s Legal Troubles Spark Concerns - Cryptocurrencies and DeFi have shaken up the world of finance, but the spotlight o... - https://news.bitcoin.com/double-standards-in-finance-sbfs-legal-troubles-spark-concerns/ #financialregulation #marketmanipulation #cryptocurrencies #sambankman-fried #witnesstampering #doublestandards #moneylaundering #insidertrading #u.s.government #customerfunds #accusations #connections #ftxfounder #spotlight #concerns #fairness
#fairness #concerns #spotlight #ftxfounder #connections #accusations #customerfunds #u #insidertrading #moneylaundering #doublestandards #witnesstampering #sambankman #cryptocurrencies #marketmanipulation #financialregulation
Convince Republicans that Trump is a Black Muslim transgender male, and they’ll call for his extrajudicial execution, no questions asked. Until then, he’s a White, faux Christian, straight male who’s being unduly maligned by the liberal media, and unjustly treated by the “Biden” Department of Justice. 🙄
#CriminalTrump #DoubleStandards #WhitePrivilege #EqualJustice #racism #bigotry #LGBTQIAphobia
#lgbtqiaphobia #bigotry #Racism #equaljustice #whiteprivilege #doublestandards #criminaltrump
"Half-Breed" is a popular song recorded by Cher in 1973. Cher's version, recorded with instrumental backing by L.A. sessions musicians from the #WreckingCrew, was recorded on May 21, 1973 at #LarrabeeSound in Los Angeles. Lyrically, the song describes the life of a girl who faces societal rejection due to having a #white father and #Cherokee mother. It contains themes of #racism and #doubleStandards. The song reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100.
#wreckingcrew #larrabeesound #white #cherokee #racism #doublestandards
Uncomfortable truth #Aussies need to face about their #tax returns - news.com.au https://apple.news/AYU2dtio7TxeWutZiw8f57A | This is all well and good, and *theoretically* makes sense - but I’ll confidently bet that all the #wealthy tax-payers get a healthy return, particularly once the new tax breaks kick in next year… | #doublestandards #Australia #ATO #AustralianTaxationOffice #taxreturn #therichgetricher #thepoorgetpoorer
#aussies #tax #wealthy #doublestandards #australia #ato #australiantaxationoffice #taxreturn #therichgetricher #thepoorgetpoorer
“It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything…
Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
~ Donald J. Trump
👉 REPUBLICANS: It was just locker room talk. Get over it.
“[Y]ou've been nothing but a little bitch to me.”
~ Marjorie Taylor Greene
👉 REPUBLICANS: Language like that against another Freedom Caucus member is disrespectful. You’re outta the caucus, girlie! Out!
#MTG #DonaldTrump #DoubleStandards
#doublestandards #DonaldTrump #mtg
#Biden #DOJ showing #doublestandards when it comes to #Trump
#Biden #doj #doublestandards #Trump
Letzthin äußerte ich immer weniger direkt zu #ttrpg bzw. #pnpde. Mit aktuellen "true #roleplaying" Trends (#OSR, exaggerated #virtuesignaling, #doublestandards etc.) bzw. #CorporateDnD (#DnD) kann ich nichts anfangen, nein, sie stoßen mich ab! Ich pendle zwischen Rückzug (aka aufzuhören) und "Offensive" (neue Website, #Podcast) o. Ä..
Heute fiel mir jedoch das hier in die Hände. 1988 holte uns dieses #rpg aus den #Dungeons. Schluß mit bösen PrinzessInnen und netten Drachen. Lipsticks & #Chrome!
#ttrpg #pnpde #roleplaying #osr #virtuesignaling #doublestandards #corporatednd #dnd #podcast #rpg #dungeons #chrome
Niestety @europarl_en przyjął rezolucję o łamaniu praworządności i praw podstawowych na Węgrzech oraz zamrożonych środkach finansowych UE (442 +, 144 -), w tym wezwanie do odebrania prezydencji Węgrom. Dalszy ciąg nękania prawicowych rządów.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/E_Rafalska/status/1664220747806523395
Get a load of this: a former US Surgeon General apparently thinks he's entitled to not see my criticism of his position on Twitter, but I'm not even entitled to not be subject to lockdown. And we treat people like this as if they're legitimate political and social actors? Why?
#lockdown #lockdowncult #politics #Twitter #birdsite #self #thoughts #authoritarianism #doublestandards #hypocrisy
#lockdown #lockdowncult #politics #twitter #birdsite #self #thoughts #authoritarianism #doublestandards #hypocrisy
If we’re to move toward “a more perfect union,” this man and his cohorts must be held accountable for their crimes.
#DonaldTrump #WhitePrivilege #WhiteLiesMatter #WhiteCrimesMatter #EqualJusticeUnderLaw #DoubleStandards #EndTheHypocrisy
#trumpisacareercriminallockhimup #endthehypocrisy #doublestandards #EqualJusticeUnderLaw #whitecrimesmatter #WhiteLiesMatter #whiteprivilege #DonaldTrump
What do you call it when you’ve never spent a day in prison after committing crimes for 50+ years, including an attempt to overthrow the very gov’t that you — as a U.S. president — took a solemn oath to “preserve, protect and defend” to the best of your ability?
You call that WHITE PRIVILEGE; that’s what you call it.
#WhitePrivilege #DonaldTrump #WhitePrivilegeIs #WhitePrivilegeIsReal #WhiteCrimesMatter #WhiteCrimeMatters #WCM #DoubleStandards #EqualJustice #RacialProfiling #hypocrisy #racism
#Racism #hypocrisy #racialprofiling #equaljustice #doublestandards #wcm #whitecrimematters #whitecrimesmatter #WhitePrivilegeIsReal #whiteprivilegeis #DonaldTrump #whiteprivilege
Marjorie Taylor Greene, Who Loves Demonizing Drag Queens, Now Defends Drag-Wearing Boyfriend
#NewRepublic #MarjorieTaylorGreene #DragQueens #Boyfriend #LGBTQ+ #DoubleStandards #Politics #News
#newrepublic #marjorietaylorgreene #dragqueens #boyfriend #lgbtq #doublestandards #politics #news
RT @DrJavidA
5 days after the start of Ukraine war, UK opened 2 new, safe entry paths for refugees. 1 was for Ukrainians who have British citizen relatives.
12 days after start of #Sudan war, UK has sent border control to the airfield to turn away NHS doctors, elderly mothers of citizens
EU parliament blocks rule of law resolution on Greece, Spain to avoid interfering in elections – do you remember how it was before #Hungarian elections…#doublestandards https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/eu-parliament-blocks-rule-of-law-resolution-on-greece-spain-to-avoid-interfering-in-elections/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/toth_edina/status/1648791294473371649
I know I'm a broken record about this, but seriously, how can anyone who considers themselves #progressive and #queer continue uphold #censorship that is unabashedly against #genderEquality, with forms of suppression applied ONLY to "people who look female"?? how do the vast majority of Americans on all sides of the aisle completely unquestionably agree with these blatantly #misgynist, #transphobic anti- #feminism #doubleStandards??
#progressive #queer #censorship #genderequality #misgynist #transphobic #feminism #doublestandards