I bet that Skywatcher is great for high resolution targets. Even my little #ETX90 does an admirable job on #SolarSysyem objects and #DoubleStars. For some years I thought about getting a 125mm Mak, but settled for an f/10 6 inch planetary #dob.
#DOB #doublestars #solarsysyem #etx90
The Clear Skies Observing Guides #CSOG for the Webb Deep-Sky Society's Objects of the Month #OOTM for December 2022:
- Galaxy group NGC521, NGC533 & IC1694 in Cetus
- Open cluster NGC1907 in Auriga
- Reflection nebula NGC1985 in Auriga
- Double star 47 Tauri (Burnham 547 - WDS04139+0916) in Taurus
- Double star Skiff 949 (WDS03536-4654) in Horologium
Download the observing guides at https://clearskies.eu/csog/downloads/webbootm2022#december
#stargazing #astronomy #clearskies #telescope #observing #deepsky #doublestars
#csog #ootm #stargazing #astronomy #ClearSkies #telescope #observing #deepsky #doublestars
Observing log updated: backyard observations of Struve double stars in the constellations of Pegasus and Cassiopeia.
#stargazing #astronomy #backyardastronomy #doublestars #clearskies #csog
#stargazing #astronomy #BackYardAstronomy #doublestars #ClearSkies #csog