Okay, so I got my groceries this morning. First, good on me for having stocked up on Greek yogurt last week. Availability has been iffy, so last week I figure I'd buy more than I need. This week, the yogurt wasn't available. I was just able to rely on the stock I already had. The next cheapest Greek yogurt is at least a couple bucks more expensive.
Second, I really wish that one of the right lanes would be made into a turn-only lane. This morning, I wanted to make a right on red, but I had to wait behind someone going straight. See, here is the problem. Soon after that douche goes straight, he's going to have to get into the left lane *anyway* because cars are allowed to park in the right lane on the other side of the intersection. So... One: he was blocking me. Second: he'd have to make a quick and dodgy maneuver once he crossed the intersection. There was plenty of traffic in the left lane.
But who am I kidding? Even if they make it a turn-only lane, douches are still going to use it to go straight. I regularly see such douches decide that a turn-only lane is a do-whatever-the-fuck-you-want-to-do lane.
#groceries #GreekYogurt #TurnOnlyLane #DoWhateverTheFuckYouWantToDoLane #driving #idiots #douches
#groceries #greekyogurt #turnonlylane #dowhateverthefuckyouwanttodolane #driving #idiots #douches
I stopped by to say hey to the former restaurant I was working at today.
They suddenly closed.