Earl Grey Cake #Doughnuts Recipe https://food52.com/recipes/88833-earl-grey-cake-doughnuts
水樹奈々「Sugar Doughnuts」 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1878478/voice-actress/
#anime #Doughnuts #LIVE #Music #NanaMizuki #SugarDoughnuts #Vlog #voiceactress #アニメ #でこぼこ魔女の親子事情 #ライブ #声優 #女性声優 #水樹奈々 #水樹奈々Sugar #音楽
#anime #doughnuts #live #music #nanamizuki #sugardoughnuts #vlog #voiceactress #アニメ #でこぼこ魔女の親子事情 #ライブ #声優 #女性声優 #水樹奈々 #水樹奈々sugar #音楽
Wondering what someone at Hostess was on when they came up with the idea to reinvent regular size donuts. "Let's make our small donettes larger and call them jumbo, surely there isn't a word for those already."
#food #snacks #donuts #doughnuts #oxymoron #jumboshrimp
Chocolate Cake #Doughnuts Recipe https://www.seriouseats.com/chocolate-cake-doughnuts-make-at-home-recipe
Yeast-Raised #Doughnuts Recipe https://www.seriouseats.com/yeast-raised-doughnuts-make-at-home-glazed-recipe
A comm from last year that was a bit of a continuation of WolfgoneWide's "Curse of the Doughnuts" comic. Was fun to do something in that universe!
#fat #fatfur #furryart #furry #blob #immobile #weight_gain #panda #doughnuts
#fat #fatfur #furryart #furry #blob #immobile #weight_gain #panda #doughnuts
A display of vegan donuts at L'Artisane Creative Bakery in Coral Gables. I tried a few flavors and will eventually taste them all. #vegan #veganbakery #doughnuts #donuts #coralgables #foodpics #foodphotography
#foodphotography #foodpics #coralgables #donuts #doughnuts #veganbakery #Vegan
So #TimHortons has #SmileCookies and #Dunkin has #SmileDonuts, who’s ripping off who?
#timhortons #smilecookies #dunkin #smiledonuts #doughnuts #donuts
Kuenya orangorang kantoran eventually makes its way into international TV 📺 office workers could relate with this one. In my country Indonesia these doughnuts are bought from nearby store either to celebrate a fellow worker's birthday or to mark the last day of working for someone as a final treat to them 🤤😋🥯🍩 #crimescenekitchen #vidio #doughnuts #dunkin #jco #officelyfe
#crimescenekitchen #vidio #doughnuts #dunkin #jco #officelyfe
Udah lama nih btw gamakan Dunkin' #bostoncreme ini khas mereka bgt. Tapi kalau JCO mah udah sering banget di kantor, biasanya kalau ada teman yang lagi ultah/resign 🤤😋🥯🍩🍩🍩 #crimescenekitchen #rockentertainment #vidio #doughnuts #dunkin #jco #officelyfe
#bostoncreme #crimescenekitchen #rockentertainment #vidio #doughnuts #dunkin #jco #officelyfe
Ngidam jeko apa dunkin gitu yaolo pada kompakan gitu bikin donat 🥯🍩 #crimescenekitchen #rockentertainment #vidio #season2 #doughnuts #newepisode
#crimescenekitchen #rockentertainment #vidio #season2 #doughnuts #newepisode
Mau bikin donat JCO nih ceritanya mereka berdua... kue khas orang resign di kantor-kantor +62 👌🥯🍩 #crimescenekitchen #season2 #vidio #doughnuts
#crimescenekitchen #season2 #vidio #doughnuts
Max Miller’s YouTube channel, #TastingHistory is pretty entertaining. The episode I watched tonight about #doughnuts had a great quote supposedly from Adolph Levitt. “As you ramble on through life, brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole.”
That's me in front of Revolution Doughnuts in Atlanta, GA. Or Decatur? I dunno how precise I need to be.
"Revolution gave us more than doughnuts. They took us to doughnut school. They categorize their doughnuts by the method used to produce them. They separate them into yeast doughnuts, cake doughnuts, and baked cake doughnuts. Now I can say with certainty that yeast doughnuts DO involve rolling the dough out. Donut Country’s slogan (“That’s how we roll”) is vindicated."
#donuts #doughnuts
Here I'm inside of Whoo's Donuts in Santa Fe, NM. One of the best damn doughnuts I ever ate.
"Whoo’s Donuts is a roadside doughnut shop. It is in Santa Fe, which is an arty capital city with a lot of cute-looking boxy clay buildings in it. Whoo’s fits right in – it has a definite Northern New Mexico personality. It’s covered in art. The tables are repurposed barrels. The doughnuts are made out of corn."
#nationaldoughnutday #doughnuts #donuts #SantaFe #corn
@evan I love culinary anthropology especially when it takes such a beautifully lyrical and emotive form as this.
#food #doughnuts #culinaryhistory #culinaryanthropology