#BritishColumbia grows marvelous #trees ~ and refrains from #logging a few of them so that we'll remember their magnificence.
Definitely a vertical photo.
#ThickTrunkTuesday #DouglasFir #PNW #PacificNorthwest
#britishcolumbia #trees #logging #thicktrunktuesday #douglasfir #pnw #pacificnorthwest
Dezeen : Bohlin Cywinski Jackson designs nature-infused Henry Island Guesthouse in Washington https://www.dezeen.com/2023/05/05/bohlin-cywinski-jackson-henry-island-guesthouse-washington/ #Prefabricatedbuildings #BohlinCywinskiJackson #WashingtonState #Americanhouses #Architecture #Residential #Guesthouses #Douglasfir #Houses #Cedar #all #USA
#prefabricatedbuildings #bohlincywinskijackson #washingtonstate #americanhouses #architecture #residential #guesthouses #douglasfir #houses #cedar #all #usa
How a photo of a flower led me down a #RabbitHole:
1. What's its name? #GoogleLens often lies, but nailed it this time: #Olsyniumdouglasii
2. More reading brought me to #botanist David Douglas, his passion for the natural world, & a 56-min film about his exploits.
3. I learned I was wrong to assume the #DouglasFir is named in honour of James Douglas, fur trade kingpin, politician, & first governor of #BritishColumbia (after whom half of #BC seems to have been named).
#Research #Learning #Fun
#rabbithole #googlelens #olsyniumdouglasii #botanist #douglasfir #britishcolumbia #bc #research #learning #fun
A #PacificNorthwest #wildflower backlit by the sun.
Also known as Grass Widow or Satinflower, Olsynium douglasii is named after renowned Scottish botanist David Douglas, who introduced hundreds of North American plants and animals to Europe (notably #DouglasFir).
Here's more on Douglas' legacy, including a film that lovingly highlights his tenacity and his obsessive passion for plants: https://www.findingdaviddouglas.org/
#gardening #botany #NativePlants #Wildflowers #PNW #springtime
#pacificnorthwest #wildflower #douglasfir #gardening #botany #nativeplants #wildflowers #pnw #springtime
Twin trunks of a #DouglasFir.
Partners poised for a dance.
#ThickTrunkTuesday #TreesOfMastodon
#douglasfir #thicktrunktuesday #treesofmastodon
#Springtime companions: A fruit tree weaves its white #blossoms around a young #DouglasFir and the tall trunks of still leafless deciduous trees.
#woodland #TreesOfMastodon
#springtime #blossoms #douglasfir #woodland #treesofmastodon
Looking waaayyyy up to the top of a #DouglasFir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). The magnificently furrowed #bark speaks to a life well lived.
(a tall photo -- may need to click to view it all)
#douglasfir #bark #thicktrunktuesday
#ThrowbackThursday that is a current event...
I guess there was a really heavy/wet snow that took these trees down (niece sent the photos).
My brother planted them when I was a wee tot.
My dad and I propped them up with heavy cables securing them to nearby birch trees ~30 yrs ago after one fell.
#DouglasFir #Snow
#throwbackthursday #douglasfir #snow
Went shopping for a Christmas tree in my yard. Selection is pretty poor. Doug firs and red cedars. Only two or three years old at most. Spindly. Not much foliage.
Morning #dogwalk, common #conifers.
I saw a thread this morning arguing that trees are virtually useless as a carbon sequestration tool.
#Trees and #forests provide so much more than that. The #diversity of life on our planet depends on them. #ClimateScience #Botany #Biology
#dogwalk #conifers #trees #forests #diversity #climatescience #botany #biology #westernredcedar #douglasfir #hinokicypress #bluespruce
I always appreciate seeing this sizeable fellow on my daily walks to the beach.
#thicktrunktuesday #douglasfir #britishcolumbia #rainforest
Having big Doug firs in the yard is very nice except when we get heavy rain-soaked snow and they drop twenty-foot limbs onto the shed and I have to drag them out and cut them into pieces.
Having big Doug firs in the yard is very nice except when we get heavy rain-soaked snow and they drop twenty-foot limbs onto the shed and I have to drag them out and cut them into pieces.
It has been over 10 years. 😂 But let me see... The bark may be Douglas-Fir, so it's probably an old-growth Douglas-Fir. I was in the Olympic National Park, but I'm not sure which part of it.
#douglasfir #olympicnationalpark
A west highland contribution for #ThickTrunkTuedsay . #DouglasFir at Sutherland's Grove, #Argyll. This one is just over 5m girth and about 55m tall.
Too big for a wee girl who loves to climb trees...
#scotland #argyll #douglasfir #thicktrunktuedsay
Douglas Fir old growth. Walking the forest in the Qualicum backyard with my little sprout. Humbling.
#oldgrowth #worthmorestanding #douglasfir #pnw #vancouverisland #Qualicum #bigtrees #PhotoFriday #FotoFreitag
#oldgrowth #worthmorestanding #douglasfir #pnw #vancouverisland #qualicum #bigtrees #photofriday #fotofreitag
This was the biggest #douglasfir I saw. In #cascadia they can be 60-80 meters high and 2 to 2.5 meters in diameter.
C'est parti pour une autre journée de #tallbike #voyage. J'ai eu une bonne endroit pour camper sauvagement. Voici les coordonnées si jamais 47.57416° N, 7.90076° E c'est une petite #forêt au bord de la #rhein Elle était la plus grande forêt en suisse que j'ai vu sur mon voyage. Yavait des sapins de Douglas #douglasfir! C'est pas si sauvage, mais c'était pas mal pour une forêt au bord d'une rivière entre deux villes
#tallbike #voyage #forêt #rhein #douglasfir