Currently listening to Douglas Rushkoff talking to Gabriel Kennedy about his upcoming book Chapel Perilous: The Life and Thought Crimes of Robert Anton Wilson.
#DouglasRushkoff #TeamHuman #RobertAntonWilson #Podcasts #CurrentlyListening
#douglasrushkoff #teamhuman #RobertAntonWilson #podcasts #currentlylistening
Secondo me, anche farsi un opinione sulla diffusione e utilizzo dei nostri dati è #resistenza
#resistenza #25aprile #douglasrushkoff
Ricchi in fuga #tecnologiedigitali #DouglasRushkoff #GioacchinoToni #SiliconValley #neoliberismo #Recensioni #catastrofe #tecnologie #Mindset #ricchi
#tecnologiedigitali #douglasrushkoff #gioacchinotoni #siliconvalley #neoliberismo #recensioni #catastrofe #tecnologie #mindset #ricchi
"In the coming year, we will have the opportunity to take back the net yet again. Let's go for something better."
#DouglasRushkoff, Dec 2022, #TeamHuman '
#douglasrushkoff #teamhuman #podcast #tech #thenet
I've been working different versions of Ten Commandments (Decalogues?) into translation tables.
#TenCommandments #AileenMiokoSmith #DouglasRushkoff #TenCommands #TenStrategies
#TenStrategies #TenCommands #douglasrushkoff #AileenMiokoSmith #tencommandments
'There is a difference between compensatory good - like Mark Zuckerberg one day donating 99% of his shares to charity - and intrinsic good, where the actual business the company is involved in is a positive force.'
― Douglas Rushkoff
#morality #character #intrinsicgood #douglasrushkoff #noxp
Just reread Douglas Rushkoff's #Cyberia covering the cutting edge of the internet, rave culture and chaos magic in the year 1992. 10 years ago it was out of date. Now it seems shockingly relevant. At their best, magic and digital culture are about creating your own future. We handed the keys to other people a long time ago. Time to take them back, climb behind the wheel, and see where we can go.
#cyberia #chaosmagick #cyberculture #douglasrushkoff
Listening to @Rushkoff chat with @MitchHorowitz . A pretty damn fine way to start the day.
#TeamHuman #DouglasRushkoff #MitchHorowitz #Podcast #NowListening
#teamhuman #douglasrushkoff #mitchhorowitz #podcast #nowlistening
Checked this ebook out from the library. Still reading the introduction so we'll see how far I get 😅 enjoying it so far though. Thought I would try out sharing what I'm currently reading. Anyone else read this book?
#books #bookstadon #DouglasRushkoff #Reading #Library #ebooks #bookworms #nonfiction
#books #bookstadon #douglasrushkoff #reading #library #ebooks #bookworms #nonfiction
Just sent the new Virtual Memories e-mail out! This one's got a new #podcast w/#DrewFriedman, links by/re
#JenSilverman #DouglasRushkoff #JunotDiaz #TomStoppard anechoic thoughts, some art & more, so read, share & subscribe!
#podcast #jensilverman #douglasrushkoff #junotdiaz #tomstoppard
"98% of all conversations related to blockchains are non-consensual, let's avoid that tonight."
I just saw someone found my post from a few months back, linking to Mel Conway's epic 2022 thread on "meme epidemiology". I forgot to add back then that this harks back to subjects explored in Douglas Rushkoff's books Media Virus (1995) and Coercion (1999):
Rushkoff's Team Human podcast continues to be a rich source of bleeding edge insights, along with fascinating guests and general hilarity.
#MelConway #douglasrushkoff #teamhuman #podcast
"There was a brief moment in the early 1990s when the digital future felt open-ended. In spite of its origins in military cryptography and defence networking, digital technology had become a playground for the counterculture, who saw in it the opportunity to invent a more inclusive, distributed, and participatory future."
#DouglasRushkoff, 'Survival of the Richest', 2022
Episode webpage:
#douglasrushkoff #teamhuman #books #podcast #DigitalTech
> ... the wealthiest people on the planet appear to be rather small-minded idiot savants who share a common disdain for the rest of us... “their education about the future comes from zombie movies and science fiction shows.”... the question that vexes them most of all is how, in a disastrous future, will they control the guards.. to protect their hoardings, then our economic system is a farce.
#TechBillionaires #TechBros #SonaliKolhatkar #DouglasRushkoff #CounterPunch
#counterpunch #douglasrushkoff #sonalikolhatkar #techbros #TechBillionaires
Los privilegiados han entrado en sus cápsulas de escape.
Por Douglas Rushkoff
La tecnología nos ha dado el sueño de un futuro capullo. Ahora lo estamos viviendo.
Nota del editor: Este artículo es una secuela de "Supervivencia de los ricos" ( un informe sobre cómo los ricos conspiran para dejarnos atrás después de un evento apocalíptico.
Seguir Leyendo:
#leyendo #DouglasRushkoff #tecnología #privilegiados #elites #ñ #supervivencia #emergenciaclimática #covid19 #colapso #pandemia
#pandemia #colapso #COVID19 #emergenciaclimática #supervivencia #ñ #elites #privilegiados #tecnología #douglasrushkoff #leyendo
📰 Los 'preppers' súper ricos que planean salvarse del Apocalipsis 📰
Por Douglas Rushkoff
Los multimillonarios de la tecnología están comprando lujosos búnkeres y contratando seguridad militar para sobrevivir a un colapso social que ellos mismos han contribuido a crear, pero como todo lo que hacen, tiene consecuencias imprevistas.
Seguir Leyendo:úper-ricos-que-planean-salvarse-del-apocalipsis
#colapso #leyendo #DouglasRushkoff #superricos #preppers #Apocalipsis #ñ #tecnología
#tecnología #ñ #apocalipsis #preppers #superricos #douglasrushkoff #leyendo #colapso
> Why help these guys ruin what’s left of the internet, much less civilisation?...
The #Mindset also includes a #FaithBased #SiliconValley certainty that they can develop a technology that will somehow break the laws of physics, economics and morality to offer them something even better than a way of saving the world: a means of escape from the apocalypse of their own making.
#DouglasRushkoff on
#SocialDarwinism #NeoLiberalism #TheCorporation #WealthyPsychos
#WealthyPsychos #thecorporation #neoliberalism #SocialDarwinism #douglasrushkoff #siliconvalley #FaithBased #mindset
Do Not Be Always On
Live in Person
You May Always Choose None of the Above
You Are Never Completely Right
One Size Does Not Fit All
Be Yourself
Do Not Sell Your Friends
Tell the Truth
Share, Don’t Steal
Program or Be Programmed
#TenCommandments #DouglasRushkoff #OnlineLife
#ProgramOrBeProgrammed #onlinelife #douglasrushkoff #tencommandments
What a company like Uber is doing is not some kind of creative destruction, but just destructive destruction.
-- Douglas Rushkoff, Team Human
#Quotes #TeamHuman #CreativeDestruction #DestructiveDestruction #DouglasRushkoff
#quotes #teamhuman #creativedestruction #DestructiveDestruction #douglasrushkoff
Douglas Rushkoff's announcement about his new book 'Survival of the Richest' suggests to me that plot of the 1989 Ben Elton scifi novel 'Stark' is rapidly becoming reality. Except Elton couldn't have predicted that all the richlist survivalists made their money from digital tech.
#DouglasRushkoff #TeamHuman #podcast #BenElton #SciFi #novel #Stark
#douglasrushkoff #teamhuman #podcast #benelton #scifi #novel #stark