Chris J. Karr · @chris
152 followers · 1586 posts · Server

This was an EXTREMELY interesting paper on what modern LLMs can learn from older older symbolic AI / expert system approaches to improve the validity of what those statistical models generate on their own, using the Cyc system as the contrast to the modern systems.

#cyc #douglenat #symbolicai #expertsystems #llms #chatgpt #bard #ai #knowledgerepresentation

Last updated 1 year ago

Chris J. Karr · @chris
151 followers · 1584 posts · Server

"Most young AI researchers have never even heard about it. But every single one of them should know something about Cyc. They don’t need to like it, but they should understand what it was, and what it tried to do, and what they might do instead to accomplish the same goals."

#ai #symbolicai #reasoningsystems #douglenat

Last updated 1 year ago

Denny Vrandečić · @vrandecic
1193 followers · 1527 posts · Server